26 Oct 2017

Two 'Pathways Stories' meetings, one after other

Both meetings went well, and of course, differently. In one, I was panelist, in the second giving Q/A and demonstrating from inside, pathways projects and path ways.

For our Pathways Storytelling Meeting, I organised with the help of our President, Michelle also a Panelist, our VP PR Mathilde also Pathways Topic Master, our Treasurer, Brian, also co-member of club in District 27 who was a brilliant Toastmaster of our meeting.

We did have a good attendance, all the way from Japan and also from Australia to Virginia islands, Canada, were Brian lives. Our great timer come from Oregon, and Mathilde from Germany. Guests from all over the globe also.

And of course, George Marshal who lead the Panel with Panache and firm hands.
The Panel opened our meeting, and George showed us his first two and then his third path. Told us about his experience as pioneer and guide of guides of the pilot District.

The number of those "on" pathways is picking up now, acceptance also increasing at same time.

After him, he asked Michelle and me, alternatively different questions to which he, more or less prepared us in advance, we were complementary to each other in experience.
The 30 minute panel that finished too fast in my taste: so much more to say!

Then we had Sudha very animated story of her three weeks experience in Pathways, and how she got into it. How she went to Facebook, and asked a lot of questions and got answers from many sources, then, finally decided "I want in!"

Her story, evaluated then followed by "Pathways Topics" given by our TTM Mathilde, wanting to learn more, but also decided to get in, soon. Many of our guests answered also her questions, and after the meeting, 3 of them decided to find a way, and not wait any more.

What more to ask for the success of a meeting? Well yes, there is more! We recorded the meeting and we will be able to show it. That was also on line with our Mission we have given our club, Witty Storytellers Online, a year ago, when we chartered. Mission achieved. We got lots of new ideas too!

I did not stay, this time, for the after meeting party, as Carole, guide in Australia, asked me to demonstrate Pathways "up close and personal" to other Guides in Australia too. One hour meeting. They were 100% happy as the pool said after it with my demonstration and answers to their questions. And yes, I was able to answer them.

As I said to them too, it is enough to be one step ahead and you become Expert! Find one person in the club who with enthusiasm will go into the new program, and will help others who then can help others. Once begun, we do continue, as Paul White, our GE in the Witty Storytellers said "we fell in love with the new way to see Toastmasters Journey".

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