21 Feb 2020

Paths leading to similar place

Of course, some times, the TMI Assessment to choose a path lead to one that is what you need. But for those who have to choose soon, I revisited the Path, studying their similarity and what makes the difference, using my experience of them. 

Once we got our path, we do live with them a long time, so why not put all at our side and study and think before we decide which to begin with? I do have some preferences, see in the picture. 

But thinking more, I divided the 11 paths in three categories : depending the Required Project they lead to.
Paths, Levels and Electives, from TMI
3 Paths finish with High Performance Leadership not so different the one Legacy: long Project. Some love it, but in my club, in London, in ten years I am the only one who done it. I learned a lot from it: it lasted a year, three years after I joined.
  • Effective coaching (through Reaching Consensus ; Coach someone three times)
  • Innovative Planning (through Proposal; Manage Projects)
  • Persuasive Influence (through Conflict resolution; Leading in Difficult condition)
In my London club, in 11 years, I am the only one having finished a High Performance Project.

It was great, but it did took me a lot of effort and time too.

3 finish with a project needing 6 month Leading a Team 
  • Dynamic Leadership (through Negotiate, Manage Change)
  • Team Collaboration (though Learn to Collaborate, Motivate others)
  • Strategic Relationship (through Networking, Public Relationship)
Dynamic Leadership come to me just when I needed most to negotiate, an  it explain so well about Change too. I was President of my club at that time and Pathways Ambassador.

5 have different Required Projects at Level 5 : I recommend, begin with these
  • Presentation Mastery, ends with a longer presentation (through Persuasive speech, Difficult Audience) 
  • Embracing Humor, a longer presentation with humor in it (through Humor Style, TT Humor)
  • Visionary Communication, Develop your Vision (through Plan for  Change, Announce the Change)
  • Leadership Development, Create a successful event (Create events with a Team)
  • Motivational Strategy, Team Building through an Event (Emotional Intelligence, Motivate) - this last one I still did not yet finish, as I did, almost all Electives.
The titles of the projects are not word by word. in parentheses are the 2 Required projects specific for the path (L3, L4). 

In the PDF called Paths and Projects we can find a few paragraphs of description about each Project, Elective or Required, Specific to a path or Same for more then one. 

As you see, even those finishing the same way, arrive there through different projects.

If I knew, if I have looked better, I would not have taken Effectivey   Coaching, even if by now, I did succeed to finish my HPL project. This Path took me longer then any other.

I have chosen Dynamic Leadership, attracted by the Negotiate and Manage change, and I was happy to live with it. I learned more about Negotiation ways, when I thought I knew all. 

And yes, I do have the other paths, finished the firsts and then begun the Motivational Strategy. Through all the path I finished or just begun, I learned a lot, and added a lot of "me" in them. Did them, My Way.  Discovered also that, those I choose from title, where not the bests for me. Also discovered, I could use all I learned from them! 

Better look well where they lead! You can personalize your path later. Not only by choosing different "Elective Projects" from a long list, but by giving a "theme" to your path. A lense through which you think about all the projects in that path.


Steve Piet, DTM said...

Excellent analysis. After completing 3 legacy DTMs, I'm working on 4 paths. I learned too late that one of them requires an HPL. I did not know that 3 paths require 6 months leading a team. Thank you.

Coach Carole said...

Thanks for this post Julie, it is timely. There are many TMs who are just getting started!