15 May 2018

Pathways arrived, pathways arrived to all my clubs!

This morning at 6 am I tried, nothing new. At 7 am tried again, here is what I found.
Not only my club from London, but all my clubs from Online (undistricted) can be reached as a MEMBER. Some Toastmasters from Undistricted Clubs for example one of my clubs in Kenya, already Selected her Path, and published it proudly to the Pathways Discussion Group. 

As for me, like a mystery, my Level 4 of Dynamic Leadership was approved, and no one took the responsibility for it. For sure, it was not me, as till now, I could not use the Login as Base Camp Manager ; in the morning, when I tried, it bombed. 

Now it works, but data not yet there. It will come. 
Beginnings are exciting, but not easy.

But I could print this out and continue on my way. Study and understand better what Lead in any situation means, and also decide which Electives I will choose. Well, at least one from the two I did activate.
And here are my elective projects from my level 5, not difficult to decide which I will NOT take on this time, but I still hesitate between a longer speech and moderating a panel discussion about the New Education Means and Theories. As you see bellow, I did Activated two of the 6 and now they can be Launched. 
You can see which did not touch, which I will for sure leave for another time
And this is a collage with Pathways finally here and A woman or Old Lady, who likes Reading. And two of many books I study now for my Research and Present Level 1 Project.

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