I followed the instructions, and here it is the certificate's screenshot to celebrate for five minutes or a whole day then remember how many Toastmasters I met during my work.
As you see, it is dated today, send yesterday. And here is the letter as I got it. It seemed strange they could not send it to me, not by post, as that costs printing money and postage, but at least in the letter. Well, in this way, I can print it as many times as I need or want it.
First, go to the Educational Transcript, it begun. Then choose the Ambassador Completion and click on Mark Complete. At that moment, (that is not said) the Ambassador Completion disappears from Active, and have to be chased : it is found between Completed Materials.
So I did Login (1) to the Toastmasters International website, went to Welcome Julie (2), and from there to My Transcript (3) which is the fastest way to arrive to my Active All Types. Oops! I had first to Launch (4) the Ambassador Completion, before getting to Mark Complete (5). No sweet, I went and did all of that : by now I am used to it.
What I did in plus, was document some of the steps through which I went. After having clicked on Launch, the Mark Complete Appeared. As soon as I did click on it, the Ambassador Completion disappeared from Active.
Here I show only the top of Active "all types" on which I am currently working, before clicked on Mark Complete. The Ambassador Completion disappeared.
To find it, I choose Completed (6). All Types are here shown, but I had too many "All Types": Ambassador Completion was not between my Curriculum (Paths) is showed like a Material (7) and as Date Added was at the third page in bottom. But when I changed it to By name (8) it come up just after those beginning by a number.
- On the Completed page, there is my path Visionary Communication and my other four completed Paths, called Curriculum.
- Other category is Online classes. Here you see on top, The Navigator, the Accessing Your Path, two first "classes" I opened the longest time ago, the 27 March 2017, just after I joined Pathways Education Program. I opened it from the Training and Resources to understand better "how to" do things in Base camp.
- Yet another Category are the Materials, the Evaluation Forms and the Project Descriptions, here you see in front the Connect with Storytelling description that I opened first, as it is my hobby, my passion. The Ambassador Completion, is in an open envelope so between the Materials.
As you see, now I could click on View Certificate (9), see it indeed and save it, print it, or make a screen dump (10). Was it worth describing all that?
10 steps to get to show my Ambassador Completion Certificate.
Yes, perhaps it is not the most intuitive interface, but once you understand how it works, no sweet, anyone can do it! Even a Pathways Ambassador or a Guide. I described it in this post, hoping if anyone has problem with them, they could learn from it. But also, somehow it seemed to me a bit like a parody. Instead to getting a nice printed certificate or plaque for all the work we did we got... instructions.
We, Pathways Ambassadors, went to a minimum of eight toastmasters clubs, for me nine at the end, presenting Pathways in some far away places. I got in one of them after two hours of public transport, bus and two trains, and then someone took me to the club with her car. Others were nearer, I could take a cab or go with bus and metro.
We had to convince each time the President or VPE to give us time and not one far away.
We worked with projectors we had to learn to use and a material we were given then we adapted and learned.
We met and interacted with many Toastmasters and their Guests, me and the Pathways Guides I worked, for me three different Guides depending on the club I went. Many wonderful if fleeting meeting, but as Ambassador I remained in contact with each club and some of the most interested members, more then the six month prescribed, month by month. They could ask me questions and I send them new material I found.
The interaction with the Pathways Guides did teach me Team work, work in a duo.
The interaction with VPE did teach me Negotiation. The Project I studied then from Dynamic Leadership Level 3 come just in time, as some VPE were sceptic about Pathways and its introduction and told us "7 minutes presentation is enough" or worse, even "we do not have time till April". In our Region, the Pathways was launched in March and at the end, we succeeded to present at least 50 minutes in February it in all the clubs we were given.
In all, being Pathways Ambassador was a worthwhile work and I learned through it. Relative to all I did for many month and I am still doing as much as I can, what does it matter ten steps to get to a Certificate that I can show you? In plus, I found something new I did not publish yesterday.

There is a way out or another route go get where we need to go. Problems, setbacks, misunderstandings are not permanent. Persisting, is worth. Reflecting, is worth. Showing it to others, I hope, it is worth too.
1 comment:
Hi Julie,
I have not got the Email/letter yet but I followed your instructions (I think I was able to do fewer steps :-)
I got my certificate for my three years work and visiting Clubs (two were 120 and 160 miles away) in the Areas 10 and 62.
Very interesting the response to Mike Burrows and Grace Jones (Pathways Guides) and my hour presentations. From very interested to very uninterested.
Best regards,
John Christie
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