11 Oct 2018

Pathways Topics in Witty Storytellers

This morning, for me it was morning, for Magda it was late afternoon in New Zealand, for Nadia in Las Vegas middle of night still not Thursday, but we were all together. 

As varied as our time of the day is were also our different experiences and stories about Pathways. Telling short, Table Topics like stories is even more easy and more memorable. That is why I offer you here, that part of our meeting. 

Table Topics? No! Let us call them Pathways Topics. The questions can be as diverse and the unexpected memorable answers. Here they are bellow in video.

After enjoying them, please do the same: get a Pathways Storyswap in your Club, with stories about toastmasters pathways experiences. Or, at least, and that is easy to organize, Pathways Topics ! Sharing with each other. 

Let us know, comment here or write me on : pathwaysexperiences@gmail.com

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