6 Apr 2019

Story Telling group 2012

The Story Telling group on Facebook was created in 2012 when I become Area Governor, as it was then called. The City Criers President knew how to do it, and she was the Administrator of the group, till she did not move to Barcelona.  She then passed on to me, and I continued.

Then I forgot it.

Last year, when creating the Pathways Storyswap Page, I rediscovered it and begun to post again to it. It is a group not a page, so anyone adhering to it may post. Not for advertising but discussing how to tell good stories. Alas, had to delete some who did not have to do anything with stories and how to tell them best possible, or examples of good told stories.

The Embracing Humor path speaks a lot about telling personal stories, stories in which we can try out humorous lines. When they work, wonderful! When they do not work we go on telling as if nothing happened and it was not even supposed to be funny line.

I hope, a day we will have a special path dedicated to storytelling, so much can be said about it.

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