18 Oct 2019

How to grow a story, online workshop, Doug Lipman

No videos today, but some slides from the videos of the first and second week meetings How to Grow a Story, published now by Doug Lipman for those who inscribed to his workshop. This morning I have spend two hours viewing them, studying and taking snapshots, and learned some features, got new inspiration. 

Each of us is different, each imagine a moment, a place something happening in its way. 

Vive la différence !

It is good, and as you see, it created a good group communication and even feeling of togetherness. We also listen in different ways, adding our experiences to what we hear. 

That is normal, that means we do participate to the story.

How you imagine the students were in that room? Sitting, standing, in what way? What other thing you imagine in this room? When Doug told us the story he almost did not say other then mimicking how unfriendly they looked to him as they entered. 

I have imagined them standing in small groups. Another, sitting on bancs, another sitting anywhere, even on floor. A humid, stale air, in plus, said yet another. We use our own experience, and taking in the listeners there, is what we have to learn.

Passing the moment you imagine to the audience in participatory way: they add what they imagine to it.

They imagine, not only "see" it means, imagining, using internal and external senses.

As a recipe and description how to prepare it, is not the meal itself, the story in the book, the story we wrote on a paper is not yet "the story".

When we imagine and tell, many of the "oral storytelling" tools are added to it.

If we just tell to ourselves, we do not help to grow our stories, do not transmit. We need listeners, feedback, to give water, sun to it.

The oral language includes in plus of the words, the text also all this (and more)

I learned all this and a lot more in the workshop. In fact, a lot more. Storytelling well is important!

in the new program Fast Track, TMI is offering now, we have feedback on preparing, on voice variety and body language with great examples.

Then, at the end we are told, to have audience, and feedback from them, "join a club"!

We can learn more and more in our clubs. And telling our stories again and again, improving it with time and with each telling, as we learn in Level 1.

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