21 Dec 2019

Paths and core competencies 11 paths

Just got these, with 11 pages in plus, one for each path from Toastmasters International. Bellow, the Engaging Humor, The last added path. As can be seen, with Required Projects in left, Electives grouped at right.

You can see how many projects you miss, if you choose Printed path, when you get only 4 electives, and even those preselected for you, instead of 25 possibles to choose from.

All same for all 5 possible printed path.

Only exception is PM which gets at level 5 managing a panel discussion instead of Lessons Learned for all others. I do not see why.

And here for PM I begun second time now. Third time, if you count the one printed but abandoned before finishing Level 3 and Archieved.

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