24 Jan 2020

How to print a certificate for a club member

Login to TMI then to the Basecamp, from your Profile, here "Welcome Julie", as Basecamp manager. See bellow the first blue rectangle's Checkmark. If more then one club's BCM then choose which.
That is the first step, in the profile, or ... point from smartphone. There are three options available to you, first Approve a level, last is Tutorials. This is after opening the Tutorials and clicking on the third rectangle, Level Completion.
Then look up the short tutorial videos. At the Level completion the Printing is the third, after you click on it. Short, fast, I had to look twice to remember and again, when time passed. You can request any of the videos, then are available to you after login as Basecamp manager.

In the first rectangle as BCM, Approve Levels, I found a member of my club, waiting approval for the last speech and Level completed this week. Clicked on Green and wrote a short note to him "approved". Remember well his name, lager you have to Search for him, specifically, to get to his path and transcripts.

Launch, shows to short video once, Request does add it to your Active Projects of BCM, and even if looked once, you can look at it, again and again.
The member is on Presentation Mastery path, he also opened and looked at The Navigator. I opened the Curriculum first, then went to his Level 1 "View Details".
Here are the Details of his Level 1, the last item is View Certificate.
Here is the Certificate. Now, I could save it, send it, print it. 
To be presented to him to the next club meeting in a festive way.

I am just the Secretary, so I send the certificate to our club President, to print and present him.

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