29 Feb 2020

First steps, after getting a path: Zoom with Fernandez

Using my Macintosh laptop and his Ipad through Zoom
                        --- and of course, going to Toastmasters.org and then Basecamp ---

We have already chosen Wednesday before our meeting Presentation Mastery for him. Now, we had to open the Curriculum (his path) and then Level 1 and then Icebreaker: the first project in any path. Yes, Activate then Launch, one after the other.

Had to learn how to progress, how to answer to questions, how to Print and save... a lot in 30min
At the end, I showed him even how many information he could find in the Navigator!

Look how he looked at the END of the meeting: 

28 Feb 2020

Level 4 of Dynamic Leadership : where I needed to be

--- written two years ago: my projects really helped me ---
Even if it was more Inside and not Outside Toastmasters

Early on Saturday, with my story on Negotiating with a club VPE, I finished my Required Project in the Dynamic Leadership path. This Monday, 26 February 2018 morning I woke up; my Level 3 completion having been approved.

But let us dwell on this for long. After finally my arduous negotiation was resolved, with everyone having gained from it. Us who negotiated; and the club itself. I could then give my speech about my negotiation.
Now, I could finally see my Level 4 Projects differently! I have access to them! 
As you can see, before they were there but no "Activate or Launch" on the right.
How different they look now! As you can see, quickly I Activated a few projects, and they are seen as Launch now. 

1. Managing Difficult Audiences, I will soon have as I present more and more Pathways.

2. Managing Online Meetings or Online Webinars, will also be needed soon. It is my choice which Project I will begin first: Facilitating a meeting with members interventions, or moderating a webinar as Facilitator with Presenters and Slide shows. I can do one, or try a second one that I have not tried yet. Most importantly, it is to care for the Agenda and Logistic, not be the main speaker or presenter. Or try both roles.

3. Question and Answer Session. I need this project too, and I already have the first one programmed. 

4. Building a Social Media Presence! That is what I needed now from March on as Pathways Ambassador and it is so well described in this project!

While only ONE of these electives is asked for at Level 4, I will do all four of them. I need the skills! 

As Ambassador I am asked to keep a Social Media presence for 3 month after launch and this pictures tells me what TMI means by it.
All this types are considered "social media" ! 
  • Collaborative Projects
  • Blogs and Microblogs
  • Content Communities
  • Social Network Sites
Not only the last one! For example, I could create a "miniblog" suited to my next task... while trying out different platforms which could help me to communicate. 

5. Manage Change Even more important, the Required Project of Dynamic Leadership is exactly what I need now. To read, to remember. I did have projects from the Visionary Communication about Change, but it is even better described in this Project. 

I read it fast this morning, so excited by all the others too, but what I retained most so far is to 'Involve those concerned to be part of the process, and communicate at each step'. So true, so important, so much to learn and do!

I am not sure how it happened but the level 4 of Dynamic Leadership arrived to me, or rather say, I arrived to it Exactly When I Needed it!

27 Feb 2020

Finishing a Project, a Level / Approving a Level

--- From mid July 2018 to February 2020 --- 
I did succeed finally to capture the moment when the three project of Level 1 are "done" and the Level 1 completion of a path appears. As if it where a project, it has to be first Activated then Launched, then, after reading a page, coming back to click on Mark complete. Bellow you will find a video showing our discussion and how we closed the Project then the Level, then changing who shared screen, approved the Level.
Indeed, three steps are needed when Level 1 Completion (or any other Level) appears.
  1. Activate the Completion
  2. Launch it: read then close the text that appears
  3. Mark Complete (the level)
We realized, what I published in blog is not enough, we have to meet, share screens to understand better each other. We did it!  Zooming was easy: she was the one who encouraged me the first to use Zoom, and she knows it better then me, works through it.

In the video bellow, the following are shown as we do it.
  • Opening Base Camp and a Path, then the Level (here the Level 1)
  • Opening the whole page from the popup to see all of it
  • We discovered the project 3 of Level 1 project was not closed: here is how one does it
  • How we ask for the Level Recognition when all three projects are done 
  • Then, we changed who shared screen, showing as the BCM approves a Level

After what is here, we looked and discussed Level 2 (and then Level 3) but that will be shown in another video, in another post. Indeed, I have cut our zooming into three parts, for easier use and understanding. I believe this, and the following two, will be useful for all new Base Camp Managers and also to many toastmasters beginning Pathways. 

I have to admit, at first I was lost myself too, did not understand how to close a Level, then I learned and did it fast without really thinking any more or observing the steps needed to close a Level, before yesterday. In a Coaching, both learn! 

26 Feb 2020

From Story to Story (not from Level to Level)

--- From 19Dec2017 moved here: my preferred Path and why. ---

Was it only 24 hours before that I wrote "I will not make my reflection on a Path" tomorrow? Well during the night the speech jumped out of me almost all round, and in the morning I wrote it down. So, when I received a reminder from the Toastmaster of my speech title, project and time, I answered: "From Story to Story" 10 to 12 minutes, Reflection on my Path from Leadership Development.
It will be early morning breakfast meeting in Oregon, they will be just finishing their breakfast under the pub. This is how I had seen them last time. Did not really see how they will see me. Nevertheless, it will be today.

I am ready. When the story jumps out "as it is" and comes without pain, writes itself, it means it is time for it. Tell it. Even if I will write it, tell it again some times, this is for now. Put it behind me and begin a new path with clean stakes. 

Instead of going into this last path Level by Level, Project by Project, indeed I went Story by Story. Beginning with that of my great grand mother childhood, told in France for the 57 descendants gathered in Normandy garden, all related or married to some who was to my Great greatMother. A TM was also present.
Then, the story told in other place of my father beginning his career, and how thirty years later his story helped me out and gave me courage. Culminating in a story swap festival with 15 storytellers, some on the same room others from the huge screens: from our club Witty Storytellers coming from all over the globe. 

Well, then I made a difficult decision and added the Lessons Learned (immediate after an important event) to top it before Reflecting on it. That was the only one not a story: I was too near the event and too preoccupied by details of the learned lessons. 

I hope, today - I have still a few hours to rehearse and tweak it - we are 8 hours ahead of Oregon here in London, it will be a story. Not telling of all that happened in the last half year. Telling what happened can be boring, a story never is. A bit dramatized perhaps too.

Instead of Level to Level, Project to Project, dedicate a path to a single goal and theme, was Paul White idea so we all went on our different path with the same pleasure. Inspiring each other with how we did each of us, getting together from June to December to finalize together the festival. So indeed, you can go from Story to Story on a Path, does not matter so much which, even if some as Leadership Development and Visionary Communication are more ready for it. The first leads to creation of a greater event, the second to change. Both accomplished our goals, in our way, but yes, both Story by Story.

Tomorrow, more about how it went and I hope this time it will be Recorded. Tomorrow, also more about a wonderful book I just discovered.

25 Feb 2020

Using Presentation software

Presented yesterday, using Keynote and learned features about the software I did not know, as I was asked to send my "deck". 

First, I learned to reduce so it "fits" in an email. 

I also learned to send in different format: Keynote format first "can not open it", then I send in Power Point reduced and for yet another, in PDF format. It worked.

Not sure, how much a deck of slides tells without the speech behind it. My main points were, about Pathways new developments. My main work was to eliminate from 12 all but the remaining most important three, which were:

1. Enter through Welcome Julie (or your name) and all one can find there, now, above the Educational Awards. 

2. Use for so much useful information THE Navigator (appeared a year ago) and can be used from smart phone, and any other device. No time, but I can speak some time only about all that it offers as information.

3. I almost forgot to mention the last very important improvement, opening the gates between Levels. As soon as we open a Path (Activate, then Launch Curriculum) now ALL it Levels and ALL it projects (but the very last one, Reflection on your path) are there for us. We can not only open then (again Activate, Lunch) but save, print, and yes, even present them, finish them in any order.

While wisdom still sais the Levels have their reason to be there, we could not only finish a Project from higher level but a whole Level! Alas, a lot more headache for Basecamp manager who has to follow and understand. 

In all, as I look back to my too short presentation the joke from the beginning was not appropriate but... it is a Humorous path, I told myself. I could have told instead the one, so true, about Useful in your life outside toastmasters: do I have any?

24 Feb 2020

First D91 Online Club Officers Training

Through Zoom, great presentations. For me a bit strange that so many did not show themselves.

At the end, Florian, District Director closed with great visuals, but this is the only one I was able to capture. 
"Be Visible" - was about the clubs and how to achieve it.

Mo, Area Director spoke about Succession Planning, what to do now, not waiting till last minute. He told a lots of things I loved and have to convey to my own club now. Some:
Loved also how he showed the Toastmasters Promise with one line in red: very effective!
Many other interesting things, and I spoke towards the end, many thanked me, some asked a question in the chat that I could not see alas while presenting. 

We will need a special only showing details about pathways as 35% of attendees were not yet inside and most got 1 or 2 Levels only even between attendees to Officer Training.
Questions and answers. one completed Level 5, another a Path, I was the DTM. Two members arrived at Level 4, 3 or 4 of them at Level 3. But I do not have here the details, what I did see all that did not even begun. They will need a special training. 

Embrace newcomers

What you think of this image?
Does it convey "embrace the newcomers? Wether by a mentor, or a nice on-boarding by the website?

I love all the heat it conveys.

Here, it is a book.

I can speak about how we can help new toastmasters that arrive to us, in our clubs, our districts, our Facebook group.

When I will offer my next presentation, wherever it will be, I will use it.

And no, will not ask "you want me to use this or rather just say?"

22 Feb 2020

Researching, "the Level Completion bug corrected?"

Let me begin with the END, I did get my Level 1 completion for Engaging Humor, with the right date! 

I got the possibility to ask for approval, when approved the possibility to Print (or save like here) my Certificate.

As I took on Engaging Humor the Second time, I wanted to see if TMI did correct the error, I found in another path I took the second time: not only the Certificate had the date of the Level finished in the first Path, but in plus, the Base Camp Manager could not decide and let me (or not) get it. 

In September, the gates between the Levels opened. One can now do any level, any project from the 5 levels, not only open, read, save, or read, save, print and do its tasks, in any order, but even the Levels, out of order. Not that we should do so, often, but sometimes, we do need. I wrote about this in blogposts, before this one, even showing screens how it works.

Here are some screens showing how it went. It was a Research on a Research... not only to finish my Level 1 but to discover how it goes, this time. 

 Waiting approval.

This above is the Basecamp manager view of the Approval request. It did not go to the Club I thought I was when asked... that is another problem to be researched, another time.

Approved, "you can View certificate". Got the Level, now to look around my clubs, who does need a Level 1 most and which did not get from me yet, this TM year one L1.

21 Feb 2020

New. After Level 5: Path completion

Path Completion Project, "Reflect on Your Path", and of course also Path Completion, for the Path your are in, is the only one not accessible, till all Levels completed.

I am actually, after the two first projects completed, not yet finished with my Level 1, see bellow. Yet, I am able to open all my Levels, all the projects in any Level.

Not only open and read, save on my computer and print, but even complete any project from my path, if I need to do before having even finished my first level.

Which, may be the case for me, because I am still hesitating what to Research.

The only project I can not Activate, Launch is the Reflect on Your path, that went from Level 5 to the Path Completion that becomes available only when all Levels are completed.
 (I took on the second time the EH path)

But look!

I can go to the Level 2 and Activate, Discover, Save, and even speak and complete any other Level Projects. Even as I did not, yet got the Level 1.
Here are also some of the Electives from Level 3, I could do the same, if I needed to take on any of them. And, that is what I suggested to a new toastmaster, asked to be Test Speaker in a contest: use the Storytelling or the Voice Variety or the Body Language from Level 3.
The Path Completion, is there to verify if all my Levels have been completed and approved in Base Camp. Attention! Even if the Levels can be finished in any order, it is only in the Basecamp. 

In Club Central, they can be declared ONLY by order, level after Level.

Paths leading to similar place

Of course, some times, the TMI Assessment to choose a path lead to one that is what you need. But for those who have to choose soon, I revisited the Path, studying their similarity and what makes the difference, using my experience of them. 

Once we got our path, we do live with them a long time, so why not put all at our side and study and think before we decide which to begin with? I do have some preferences, see in the picture. 

But thinking more, I divided the 11 paths in three categories : depending the Required Project they lead to.
Paths, Levels and Electives, from TMI
3 Paths finish with High Performance Leadership not so different the one Legacy: long Project. Some love it, but in my club, in London, in ten years I am the only one who done it. I learned a lot from it: it lasted a year, three years after I joined.
  • Effective coaching (through Reaching Consensus ; Coach someone three times)
  • Innovative Planning (through Proposal; Manage Projects)
  • Persuasive Influence (through Conflict resolution; Leading in Difficult condition)
In my London club, in 11 years, I am the only one having finished a High Performance Project.

It was great, but it did took me a lot of effort and time too.

3 finish with a project needing 6 month Leading a Team 
  • Dynamic Leadership (through Negotiate, Manage Change)
  • Team Collaboration (though Learn to Collaborate, Motivate others)
  • Strategic Relationship (through Networking, Public Relationship)
Dynamic Leadership come to me just when I needed most to negotiate, an  it explain so well about Change too. I was President of my club at that time and Pathways Ambassador.

5 have different Required Projects at Level 5 : I recommend, begin with these
  • Presentation Mastery, ends with a longer presentation (through Persuasive speech, Difficult Audience) 
  • Embracing Humor, a longer presentation with humor in it (through Humor Style, TT Humor)
  • Visionary Communication, Develop your Vision (through Plan for  Change, Announce the Change)
  • Leadership Development, Create a successful event (Create events with a Team)
  • Motivational Strategy, Team Building through an Event (Emotional Intelligence, Motivate) - this last one I still did not yet finish, as I did, almost all Electives.
The titles of the projects are not word by word. in parentheses are the 2 Required projects specific for the path (L3, L4). 

In the PDF called Paths and Projects we can find a few paragraphs of description about each Project, Elective or Required, Specific to a path or Same for more then one. 

As you see, even those finishing the same way, arrive there through different projects.

If I knew, if I have looked better, I would not have taken Effectivey   Coaching, even if by now, I did succeed to finish my HPL project. This Path took me longer then any other.

I have chosen Dynamic Leadership, attracted by the Negotiate and Manage change, and I was happy to live with it. I learned more about Negotiation ways, when I thought I knew all. 

And yes, I do have the other paths, finished the firsts and then begun the Motivational Strategy. Through all the path I finished or just begun, I learned a lot, and added a lot of "me" in them. Did them, My Way.  Discovered also that, those I choose from title, where not the bests for me. Also discovered, I could use all I learned from them! 

Better look well where they lead! You can personalize your path later. Not only by choosing different "Elective Projects" from a long list, but by giving a "theme" to your path. A lense through which you think about all the projects in that path.

20 Feb 2020

Dropping of the barriers, podcast

"One of the biggest improvements in Toastmasters Pathways that I’ve seen is the dropping of the barriers between the levels. In Toastmasters Pathways program, we can now see the entire path project options, the required as well as the options. 

Some Toastmasters don’t know about this change yet – so why not tell them about this podcast? Toastmasters 101 podcast is here to help us understand Pathways – especially about the parts that seem complicated. Like how to work through a path. What good is skipping a step on a ladder?" 
Kim Krajci

How do I incorporate a podcast?
 Link to Toastmasters101, which begins like above.
 It is worth listening to! 

18 Feb 2020

Colours for Time Keeping in Zoom

I took many photos, but most have more then one colours. I needed some, Green, Yellow, Red instead of lights or paper, using it as blackround in Zoom meetings.
I added my green peppers: they feel the screen.
Taken in a supermarket.
Then I needed yellow, less easy as did not find a yellow that I really like yet. Here is one.
One yellow pepper from my fridge
Red, not so difficult. I found them in the supermarket too, in France, and did buy some. Succulent!
I also found, if I want to show in my hand, or on a vase so it stays firmer, a green cup, green broccolis, and various other objects.

17 Feb 2020


Tulips in the spring in the garden. One spring day.

There are many other colourful images i have taken through years.

Most are flowers, others people or the Chinese New year baloins.

Some are fruits and vegetables to keep the time, online.

A green Apple, a yellowish potatoes or other times, a citron. Red apples or a tomato. Or coloured peppers.

All depend on us.

So many colours also in nature.

Some look for it under water in sea. I look at the sky and moving branches. And as above at tulips.

16 Feb 2020

Pathways on iPad works well

One member asked does Pathways and Basecamp work on iPad? Yes, I use my iPad often. 

On iPhone, i can open, discover the new online Navigator, go even to choose a path, Learn a lot of how a club works, that is all. I can not open a path, a project. 

14 Feb 2020

As Base Camp Manager - Basic facts

First, we have to understand, even if we enter from the same Toastmasters Password, and email, we can enter BASECAMP, either as a Member of a certain club, if we are in more then one, or as a Base Camp MANAGER of the club. After we worked as Basecamp manager, BCM, we have to LOGOUT and, if we want to work on our own paths, project, login again as member.

There are three rectangles we find, as we go as BCM in. The first is the more simple and more important too. That is were I can see if anyone is waiting for us to approve their Level. In fast, as for the last three month, since the gates between the Levels opened, is it less urgent. And, as for my clubs, we try to ask also by other means "please approve my level", by email, messaging, direct.

Inside Pending Request, most day is nothing, then suddenly a name with Approve / Refuse. Green is the approve and it is just a click on it and the level is considered done and verified. It happened only once, that I had doubts, and I asked "when did you do the Second speech of the Evaluation and Feedback"? It seems he did not understand that he has to do it. Now, we are waiting for it. 

In the Pending Request there is also a box to write a letter to the member having asked and Send.

Manager tutorials ? There are so many! So well done! When time, go through them one by one. Some are very short videos, other texts. 
The different possibilities to look for one answer, appear when we click on them. So for example, Printing Certificates, is inside Level Completion. From one, the other opens, so it is worth taking some time and browsing, and not only the first time, also when did not use a feature for a time.
As for me, I really love those short videos, even if they are sometimes, too fast for me, and then, I go twice to remember well what comes after what.

They can be Launched directly, or as any other resource asked and put inside your "Transcript folder" along the paths.

If you opened it, went through it once already, the second time, we are asked "again"?
Those are the "old" ones, in Text, I love them less, but they also give answers to what interest us. In a different way. 

As to the Member Progress, is my least favorite part, as it always seemed to me strange to have buttons to show only when we hover over in the corner they are! Plus, the necessary Refresh is long, and without it whatever we find is old news. For Details, we have another  button inside the interior square, and just recently I was shown how important  informations are to be found inside the Export to Excel. The details of Projects we have Activated in each Level, Path, but alas, Level by Level. We have to extract and save one level at the time. 

While I was happy to have those data, I also think it is too much work for them! If needed, as VPE I can look back at the Agendas printed from Easyspeak. When I was the first time VPE and President, I had a huge notebook with each member having a page. I still think, less work then in digital age... 

Search "base camp manager" and you will see that I have written other, useful posts with the same subject. Here is one of them, I recommend specifically. 

12 Feb 2020

Learning to speak to the level of each.

In order to see well, here are my top badges. The small numbers almost under each shows how many times I have done "it". Engaging Humor and Visionary Communication - Activated 2 means I have begun them again, after completing the paths. Level 1, so far, finished 11 times, as well as Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4. When I finish a path, Engaging Humor Proficient, is seems remain here. Level 5 achieved once? It means, after the Level 5 is separate from finishing a Path, itself. Here are only the Badges that were on the top. I  repeat the basics many times, do not even think a lot how I do it. 

Have to be careful.

In the Pathways Discussion Panel, Brenda said, there are Retired and Retired persons, different from each other. Indeed, I love to learn, teach, show. And blog, explain. Not everyone spend so much time, and loves it with Toastmasters and Pathways as I like to do. 

I just come out, left it before it was over, from a conference speaking of Zoom Phone, or Zoom Audio Conference. OK, it is Free, very nice picture! and two men who spoke English, but for me above my head. Yes, 500 improvements, every month some. Still did not understood what is about. 

We have to be very careful, to take all who comes from ABC and not think, they will know all we know. They will understand, what is BCM for example. What is Curriculum, and so on.
Very nice feature of Zoom, Breakout rooms, Carrie from Taipei, needed it, and for her, I learned. Being a mentor, in my opinion, more a Coach for her, or anyone else helps also me. 

11 Feb 2020

Went in as BCM seen Details, Level by Level

Once we know where to click, for the arrow to appear, we can Refresh, get details, export. Level by Level. Who, path, what Projects finished. When finished.

Alas, I see the opened, Activated Projects as "in progress" even from a completed path, finished 2017.
But Info that I de not remembered, appears. Here a small part of the exported Level 4. Is it a Required or an Elective, those I  remembered. But not the dates. 

One can export, or save in different places and formats. Up to us, what  we do with  the information. This is a club, where most are in many others clubs, and at this time, only few have this club, I am VPE, as Base Club, home club. Besides, I wanted mostly to show my data, not to make public, someone's other. Only those Activated, show, as in Progress. Or completed.
And here  are the completed Paths. The ones I begun second time, no more between them. 

10 Feb 2020

How to create Breakout Rooms in Zoom for a Table Topic Contest

before doing the Area contest, face to face,
asked me Carrie, from Taiwan.
How to host it "online"

Mistaken identity story

Competent Communicator: Mistaken Identity told with Spark London: I was stunned to see how automatic came the face and arm movements and also quite happy with the pace and rythme of voice as its variety.

My English did improve, from 2010, my Humor also a bit.

This version, available for the moment for a week, was not the first. Before, I told my story in London clubs. Here in a theatre, with 60 in audience. It is a true story.

Will tell I now for the Level 1 Humour. A bit different, have to shorten. But will cut in two.

Observation: "cave" in French is "cellar" in English - but I have mistaken it that day, my daughter lived in some kind of basement... not a real "cave" an old vine cellar in the middle of a garden. But it was really a trap door (with window on it) that was the only entrance and gave the only natural light.

But, my error just brought up more laughter from the audience...

And at the end of the evening, a young woman came to me, telling me how much my message meant to her, it was the encouragement she needed at that point of her life. Already for her, it was worth telling that story.

It changed, evolved, and I think, the change itself is interesting.

That was not the first time I told it, it was perhaps the third time, as delivered it almost a year before in one my Toastmasters clubs. And delivered later, to pro audiences, being paid a bit for it.

That story is very dear to me also as it was the first time I got so many laughter and someone told me "You are a natural" go learn standup comedy. Standup? What is that? The rest is history...

From this on, I told the story two more time correcting cave and changing a little, as I do not learn word by word. Now, I got a new view and assessment to that story and will try to tell it next week, with a new focus: Yes! I will do it. More, when I have done it.

8 Feb 2020

Visit Online Clubs! Early Saturday Global Trainers Online

Not only, because the virus makes some fear to meet in person, also to discover the new possibilities available to all of us! 
Julian Merlo, our President presentation
This morning, at the Global Trainers Online, three great speech deliveries and a Training Topic session delivered by me, we had guests not only from USA, Saudi Arabia, but also a few from China, the first time online! 
Charming and determined, they wanted to learn "how to".

A great background, well prepared, wonderful lightening, discreet listening devices. Would you believe, it was her first ever visit to an online club?

Whatever reason, each one arrived, they learned from us, and we learned from them.

As one of them told us, "we did not feel strangers, we felt already between pals".

I asked TT questions, which in this club is called "Training Topics", to get advice and reasons, why we should hold one, or a few, Online Trainings in our Area. Our clubs, our districts.

Brian hold an adhoc Panel, that in my opinion went so well! Julian and Mufid gave each great presentations. It is worth to get up at 5:30 for me, to get  lost with pleasure in this camaradery.

5 Feb 2020

Members access and path selection

A slide from Trish  webinar yesterday night. I was not able to incorporate the  whole hour, find it on YouTube at the laser  Tuesday tips and tricks.

4 Feb 2020

One more post about feedback

I need Level 1 and it's second project. It teaches, not only to repeat a project, better, but to take a feedback as it comes.

That is easy when most is specific. 
That is easy when most is admiratif.
Not so easy, when someone destroys all you said, and mostly without any specific exemples, and tells nothing positive.

Sunday, it did happen to me. 

True, I was not as prepared as I should have been, but I made them listen and laugh almost all the way. True, I added, some material working great in Standup clubs not I an a toastmaster environment with some couples, married for 50 years. 

Still, it really hurt.

I asked for others to send me also a feedback.

Still waiting for my official evaluation but I got one long email, very specific and in all nice, but also telling where I can improve next. So much depends how you present, your recommendations. So much to learn still!

3 Feb 2020

Integrating Pathways in Club Meetings Strategies

So many ways we can use in the club to speak about Pathways Projects, Evaluations, Levels, and so on. Here is a great video suggesting them. 

D62 has many useful other videos also, this was lead by Lori Haynes. So many great ideas in 20 minutes! 

2 Feb 2020

Which DTM seems easier?

From TMI we side, go to Education
From education choose Distinguished Toastmaster, it is one of the last choices. There, we get a comparison between what is still called "Traditional" and Pathways which will soon be the only one.
Which seems "easier" to you. None in fact.

40 communication projects, yes, but usually less text, less things to do like in the 30 something for 2 paths where some projects take also longer to complete. More leadership projects, for Pathways. 12 month in Club Committee instead 6.  More District roles and helping clubs.

In fact, just different. And of course, more modern.