--- written two years ago: my projects really helped me ---
Even if it was more Inside and not Outside Toastmasters
Early on Saturday, with my story on Negotiating with a club VPE, I finished my Required Project in the Dynamic Leadership path. This Monday, 26 February 2018 morning I woke up; my Level 3 completion having been approved.
But let us dwell on this for long. After finally my arduous negotiation was resolved, with everyone having gained from it. Us who negotiated; and the club itself. I could then give my speech about my negotiation.
Now, I could finally see my Level 4 Projects differently! I have access to them!
As you can see, before they were there but no "Activate or Launch" on the right.
How different they look now! As you can see, quickly I Activated a few projects, and they are seen as Launch now.
1. Managing Difficult Audiences, I will soon have as I present more and more Pathways.
2. Managing Online Meetings or Online Webinars, will also be needed soon. It is my choice which Project I will begin first: Facilitating a meeting with members interventions, or moderating a webinar as Facilitator with Presenters and Slide shows. I can do one, or try a second one that I have not tried yet. Most importantly, it is to care for the Agenda and Logistic, not be the main speaker or presenter. Or try both roles.
3. Question and Answer Session. I need this project too, and I already have the first one programmed.
4. Building a Social Media Presence! That is what I needed now from March on as Pathways Ambassador and it is so well described in this project!
While only ONE of these electives is asked for at Level 4, I will do all four of them. I need the skills!
As Ambassador I am asked to keep a Social Media presence for 3 month after launch and this pictures tells me what TMI means by it.
All this types are considered "social media" !
- Collaborative Projects
- Blogs and Microblogs
- Content Communities
- Social Network Sites
Not only the last one! For example, I could create a "miniblog" suited to my next task... while trying out different platforms which could help me to communicate.
5. Manage Change Even more important, the Required Project of Dynamic Leadership is exactly what I need now. To read, to remember. I did have projects from the Visionary Communication about Change, but it is even better described in this Project.
I read it fast this morning, so excited by all the others too, but what I retained most so far is to 'Involve those concerned to be part of the process, and communicate at each step'. So true, so important, so much to learn and do!
I am not sure how it happened but the level 4 of Dynamic Leadership arrived to me, or rather say, I arrived to it Exactly When I Needed it!