4 May 2020

With new features, confusion arrives

I got in MAIL my path Proficiency : beautiful! 
For which path is it, in fact?
It is for MS!

I got my award for finishing Level 5 in the Basecamp, indeed, but Proficiency? I did not give yet my Reflect on Your Path speech, not had time to reflect on that path of Motivation Strategy, very long path for me to finish. 
As you can see, I did finish, indeed, all the five Levels, and did ask last week the Level 5 to be approved, and it was, but did not yet even Activate the next task which, now it is called Path Completion, and contains the Reflect on Your Path, and serves also to Basecamp to verify if all Levels have been indeed completed. 

This is my path where I did ALL ELECTIVE projects of Level 3 and 4, not only the minimum 2 and 1 respectively. Did not do all the Level 5 electives, as arrived there, lacked the courage to continue and do all. I felt, better begin new path or other path I loved and finished again... 

But as I spend so much time with the Motivational Strategies Electives, my Reflection will take more time. I will Activate, Read it again, Work on it as much time as it takes.

Meanwhile, I wrote to TMI about their error, so they try not to do same to others, and also verified online in the FAQ where the difference between Level 5 and Proficiency is well explained: nowadays, not the same!

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