30 Jun 2017

Printed copy arrived!

For some reason the printed copies I ordered arrived only now, but you know what? They just arrived in time! I am going tomorrow to a Toastmasters Leadership Institute all day meeting in centre of London and I can take them with me. They really look very well! 

As soon as they arrived they did already give confidence. 

Patricia, who just finished last week her CC manual, was here and almost could not put them down when she begun to look inside. "I can do this!" she told me. "Yes, I like this evaluation." I felt, she would really like to have the manuals, read study and begin them, as soon as she can.

Even if we have to wait, till Pathways come to us, that is a lot of encouragement! 

As I read through it, and yes, there are easier to read bound nicely, then just printed page by page, even if two sided, I realised how much is explained about different ways to organise the speech about Research. Also, I heard, you can do inside a level, in the order you want. Well, after Icebreaker.

As the first two levels are almost same in any Path, it does not really matter then for the moment only 5 of the 10 path offer also printed copies. At least, not for the beginning, for these two. This I got, are for the Presentation Mastery, the first path I thought I would like to go through. It will be now my 3rd.

Very curious of the reaction of those who will see them, look at them tomorrow at TLI officer training. Toastmasters Leadership Institute I think is called. The training, open also for non officers, all from London and around is non specific to the roles. 

Will write tomorrow my post later, after I come back, and let you know. 

Yes, it was really worth buying them, even waiting for them. 
I would not give up the online path, but perhaps would like to buy also paper track of them. 

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