7 Aug 2017

Smedley: Every speaker can learn from his listeners.

Because Smedley has believed in learning from the listeners, needing comments, the constructive criticism, or "evaluation" was introduced at every toastmasters meeting, and has an important part in Pathways, from Level 1 on: three tasks of Project 2 are devoted to it.

How to give feedback? Here is what Smedley wrote in his book published in 1940. I am sure he did write it earlier, but that is the date of the manual about Evaluation, or as he said, Constructive Criticism I have.

Specific suggestions for further improvements : that is what we have on every evaluation sheet for every project in Pathways.

"If the time ever comes when people in general are able to listen analytically, critically --- or even intelligently ))) it is going to be hard on propagandist and demagogues." Alas, that time did not come yet, if ever will, but we learn in our clubs and through pathways, to listen differently. Perhaps, even, from time to time "intelligently"...

I will scan some more pages, parts of the Evaluation Book, so many interesting parts! And as you see, also some very funny pictures he asked a friend to draw for it.

I try to learn from the critics I get. I try to learn to evaluate better. Yesterday I had the joy to evaluate a very improved speech and speaker in his last level 1 speech. It was interesting, personalised, and so well delivered too. Yes, I found places to improve too. 

In order to be able to see some more body language, you have to sit (if sitting) farther from the computer, so you can use arm and hand also to express what you mean. Even if, and it was the case, so much can be expressed by the face and the voice!

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