24 Aug 2017

Go Online: to the clubs admitting remote access

That is one of the three clubs I am member and go to speak or take roles, one of the clubs in Arlington.

I do live now in London.

I was Toastmaster of the meeting, if I remember well... and also spoken already another time.

We see each other better (bigger) through the GoToMeeting platform, then those in the room, as they seem smaller, but when speaking the camera points to them. And the knowledge how to do and show both us coming from afar, and those in the room grows with every meeting and different clubs share with each other the "how to".

I have spoken and taken roles in each of my clubs, remote, online or on the ground. Each is different and has its unique wonderful flavour. In this picture, Graham speaks from New Zealand, and the "in the room" club members live around DC as does my daughter and did I once for three years.

Of course, connecting there, also let me begin Pathways, earlier then in London. Learn a lot.

The things I did buy to put each project pages together work very well. One kind for "normal" about 20 to 26 page project, and one for different prints as Navigator, Path and Projects. Here are all the "done" projects I printed. Alas, the ink still cost a lot, so some projects are only on my laptop folder.

Done the Moderate a Panel, and now I got the taste of it and want to moderate many on different subjects. Done the Write a Compelling Blog, I hope, you like this one that I continue of course. Done the Research your Subject that is one of my favourites too. Done the Learn to use Visual Software : used it more then once now.

Done the Persuasive Speech even if that one is not yet all it could be. Have to give again and again and improve on the last. When I have done it first, I also told what is the problem with Pathways for the moment, not only song how wonderful and useful it was. They told me : it is not good when you want to convince. Indeed. Perhaps next, I will persuade, again, the all of us has Funny Bones!

I switched to web in my Presentation Mastery and looking at the electives on level 3: next for me is Organising an Online Event.

That event will be the 20 minutes about Pathways during the Convention Vancouver noon break, from 12:30 great panel speakers.

Did I chose the second one? I leave it to decide later.

In level 4 when it will come, my challenge will be "Manage difficult Audience" Can be "real" or role playing with 4 different Toastmasters getting a different role to play a different kind of disrupter. In real life, I did assist once to a special Standup Comedy club meeting, not inside toastmasters, and found that my table topic skills helped me a lot, also having backup lines in my repertoire that I could use to answer, make all laugh and the interrupter still sit down happy.

Yes, we do learn a lot of applicable skills in the different Pathways Projects!

Are you still waiting? You know now, there are clubs open to remote.

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