31 Jul 2018

How to become an expert

Remaining expert in Toastmasters and also becoming Pathways Expert is not so difficult: be there and fall in problems before others. You will be helped, figure it out, then can help others in your tour. Speech given in the "online alliance" meeting of online clubs.

I am still learning! Still falling in potholes from time to time. Then figure out what went awol and explain to others to whom arrives the same. Yesterday, was about Zoom screen sharing. Before, about how to close a Pathways Level. 

Day by day, I am becoming "more expert". On what? In many things so munch more to go! I read once in a book about writing, we go up, and when we think we are "there" we realize there are a lot more steps to go and begin our journey to the next level of knowledge, understanding and skill.

30 Jul 2018

This project applies to our life outside Toastmasters

Every project in Pathways, finishes with this question. When you answer to it, and save the Project is considered done. It shows the importance given in Pathways to being able to apply what we learn, outside our clubs.

We learn and can apply it also inside, but we mostly do it to be able to apply all we learn also outside.

I am now at level 1 at this path, just after the Icebreaker and the first speech from the second project. Trying to figure out how to apply the feedback I was given.

29 Jul 2018

Level 3 Electives, 4 done so far

Mastering Fundamentals same for all paths.
Learning Your Style? "thinking of styles"
Increasing Knowledge has 1 specific Required Project, depending on the path, and no less then 12 to 13 Electives! It does ask us to complete "at MINIMUM 2" from them.

In the path Motivational Strategies, my 6th path I go through, I decided to study and speak from as many as possible. So far, finished 4 of them.
I also have done already, at least once, but perhaps may repeat it as it is very important the Descriptive Language, beside the Storytelling,  and two others, in total four. Next two I already work on for the Level 3 are Using Presentation Software and Creating Effective Visual Aids. I have in fact already done these projects for another path, but so much to learn and improve!

Building Skills are longer projects, very interesting for me, this blog begun as one of them.
Demonstrating Expertise, interesting Elective Projects, but I will choose with care which to do.

A lot of interesting projects awaiting me!

28 Jul 2018

Tabs in the Safari Browser (Use Tabs not Windows 2)

How come I did not tell how my own Safari is made to do what I want it? In the Preferences, That is what I had to choose to open pages in tabs instead of windows.

Here are some pictures of browsers we use, Safari, IE, Chrome, there are also others. Each of them in fact translates the "HTML" the programmers write to a language we understand, in their way and navigate for us on the web. In my Safari, I opened the Preferences. Then told it how I wanted it to behave.
Open a link in a new window, I do not have to use Cmd-click, it does it automatic now on my Macintosh, and in plus, learned to open it big, almost the whole screen.
So, open the Preferences and Tabs was there. Choose "Always open pages in tabs instead of windows." Of course, I also told Safari to let the popups pop up, and put them in a Tab and allowed JavaScript, even if JavaScript I think is not absolutely essential.

Many other small adjustment in my browser, in your browser prepared before you begin to work on Base camp Projects, will make you life easier. Once chosen it remains... till the next version. Some versions go again to "default" and have to put back my preferences again.

After I published yesterdays post also in the Pathways Forum Discussion on Facebook, I was very pleasantly surprised, others come to comment and explained how they did with their own operating system, and even researched other systems I never heard of helping each other. I will have to collect all that wonderful information and make a third post with it. Meanwhile, why do not look it up?

26 Jul 2018

New window or new tab? Use TAB

It was almost a year, that a small window like this opened up on my computer and never on iPad. But I do remember. 

I learned that time, that I have to stretch it out to see the arrows left and right, to move to the next page, and to stretch it down, to be able to jump to another page I need. 

It was not a pleasure! 

In plus, it did not remain on as it was when I opened another popup, like the Evaluation, or Project: come in the place of that window and, when I closed it, I got me back to the very beginning, the Levels, instead of where I was in my project. Those were unhappy times. 

The arrows appeared when I stretched, I could move left and right, and even of course, if needed "more" or "next", and even jump to a page, but all that  disappeared, as soon as I opened another popup!

It popped up in the same place of the small window, not near it. I do remember, how unhappy that made me, and how much at that time I did avoid opening any other resource. 

What was to do? What was to do? 

My son visited and come to my rescue. Why do not open it all page, he asked me. He then pointed to the three tiny rounds on top of my windows and I can open them suddenly bigger or bring back smaller. And the third, closes it. But why bring back smaller? 

One problem was solved, no more stretch: the popup immediately occupied the whole screen. 

The other problem was solved, when I realised that instead of using WINDOWS for the new popups, I can add a new TAB to my browser. From then one, my life with Pathways Projects and Levels became a whole different ball of game: a pleasure. It is an option in Safari. I described step by step in a post how to configure it on a Macintosh.

When I finish with one thing, for example saving or printing a project manual, I close the tab, and find myself where I left before opening the resource. It does work, on Macintosh.

What about in Chrome? someone asked at the Pathways Forum. I got how to yesterday, and I could use it the same way if I really want Chrome from Google. What about for a PC device? I got yesterday the answer "Yes, I use Internet Explorer and it works well and it is easy to set it up". In Chrome, it is also possible, he wrote "but I prefer IE".

With TABs near each other, navigating Base Camp becomes a breeze. The user interface seems suddenly not so ugly. 

I learned early to close any project answering to all the Auto assessment-After questions, after I gave my project speech(s) and completed all tasks. Still had to learn how to find a fillable evaluation resource, but the sky suddenly was blue and the sun shining.

Here what I got as PDF but I could add only images (or videos here) for Internet Explorer.

So it does work also with Internet Explorer, on a PC device. Tabs one near other open (and you could either navigate between them or close the one you do not need any more.

My Toastmaster pal "no name needed in your blog" he wrote me, tried how to achieve it with Chrome. More complicated, but here what he found.
As for now, just a popup box, but at least bigger and one can see the navigations.
A right click on the top left, shows it like a TAB: perhaps not so "elegant" but works!
That is what happens when we want to help each other: we find ways to work, each helping, each adding something, and in the end finding ways to work. A great team work! Me with my Macintosh, he with his PC, from afar working on the same problem, complementing each other.

And now, all of you know, it can be done. Life is easier with TABs then with Windows and in plus, one can see each tab in the whole screen or make smaller at wish. 

Happy projects! 

From now, we can concentrate on the content and not the navigations. And once we learn how to for one project, all other project are same: we already do know. 

25 Jul 2018

Fill out an Evaluation Form

Today, I got an Evaluation form that was all upside down. I am not sure how it was obtained, but it was not easy to fill out. Opening with Adobe Acrobat Reader, I could not reverse it. Opening with Preview on my Mac, it did put right... the first page only. I could fill it in. The second page looked like this.
I could put squares around the numbers but of course, now write in inverse. 

I got another form from the VPE and it was alas not fillable: it was from a Project.

Fortunately, I learned what we have to do if we really need to fill an Evaluation form online!

Opened the Base Camp, and went to the grey Tutorial and Resources under the one in burgundy. 

Then down, till I arrived to Evaluation Resources and then choose English. 

This is what I found there, in tiles, all the forms where there one near the other.

But I thought, in list form "title" I will find faster what I was looking for. 
Once I found the one I needed, I clicked on it and got it, inside my Educational Transcript. Launched it and on the spot, filled it. Then, saved it to my drive before sending it out in an email. Each step is important. Saving before sending if not the filling disappears. Filling it on the spot (even before saving) worked very well for me too.

I know, it is complicated. It should be the same with the forms that are in the Projects, alas for the moment, we can only print them, not or really with difficulty fill them. 

But there are many treasures to be found and used in the Tutorials and Resources. Trying out one by one pays, in the long, we gain back the time spend to discover ten times.

24 Jul 2018

Get up, show up!

Found this yesterday, and I could not agree more. Even if it is not always to follow.

No matter how you feel...
Get up
Dress up
Show up
And never give up

How about you, my dear readers? 
I get up early in the morning, that part is easy for me. Dress up, not so much: for whom? I did dress up today, just as asked. Even if no one could come to my door or see me all the day. No meetings even through the web today for me. Dressed up, I feel better, so it could be also only for myself.

Show up, that is important for me and it was for long time. From age of 70 to 80, I wrote a daily morning blog in French (there is life after 70) and about 200 persons read what I had written, some with their morning coffees. I did show up ten years, till I got 80. My courage and my French went down. Should I change the title? In fact, at 85 is still "after 70".

Show up, from May last year, I do show up to write a post every day, even if not early in the morning. Why? My readers in my previous blog where mostly from France if not all, the "morning" was for all of us the same time. In this blog, read from so many continents, "morning" in one place is noon, evening on some other. Winter in Australia is Summer in London. Our hottest days here, while in other places readers shiver of cold, or are inundated by torrential rain. 

I show up also to the Toastmasters Pathways Forum Discussion daily, where I Moderate. I suppose all of you are members of that Facebook group: already 6000 of us is in it. 

Yesterday, again at the Hospital Control, only in January I have to return. Here some pictures together to give a taste of my experience. 
As I waited, I took two images without asking, one at reception desk, with this young freckled woman and tattoos on her arm, and the receptionist with dark blue hair, the other with also the old man waiting. Then I asked, and I was allowed to take the roses on the arm. She asked me "and you, want a tattoo like this"? When I answered, "I have already enough skin problems" all around laughed. We were at the skin part of the hospital. 

The last picture, taken 30 minutes later, as I was going through the long corridors outside, is one I prefer most. Sun shining, no air conditioning, and no buggy as usual either, I had to walk this and a few more long corridors, but... I could do it! I did hold near the wall, but in any case I did not have major problem going out! 

So, even for something I did not like, a visit to hospital, treated on some skin places needed, I did show up, and it was after all not so bad as I feared. 

Show up, and read my blog posts, day after day, as I hope to find something interesting to say each time. Thank you for showing up, and following me so many times!

23 Jul 2018

Virtual Support Session no 14 London to Nairobi

Here a video (second image) of 30 minutes of a "virtual" support session by a Pathways Guide (me) from London through zoom to members of clubs from Nairobi, Kenya. I got questions before the meeting through email, direct in zoom and also through zoom chat from others.
Most of the 14th session, but not all is about Evaluations. They determined the day and the hour this time. The club committee decided a fast converting to Pathways of the members and want to learn as much as possible about it.

In principle this is the 14 / 15 support sessions, but of course I will not stop at 15. Some are the first time "online" or in Zoom video conferencing, and other's video just got a problem, but they could ask questions through chat. Serah, VPE will distribute all information given, and others decided "I will get on now!" 

It was a great meeting for me and for them too. It took me some time to get to the video, recorded "on the cloud" then download to my computer, then upload to YouTube where it will stay from now on.

22 Jul 2018

"I am on level 4 and no award!" XX wrote today in the Forum

Of course, going from Level to Level is approved by one of the Base Camp Managers : VP Education, President or Secretary of the club. Reading three time the question, I concluded she must have approved herself to progress through her Levels, entering as BCM and not as member. We enter either as member to use our paths or as BCM to approve or to see the others progress.
Before going farther, we have to logout then login back differently. As Secretary of one club and, now President of another, I can login and if needed approve even my own level. That was only necessary in my London clubs as I am teaching my pals how to. The Base camp manager has at least have chosen a path as far as I know. Now, all my clubs BCM did but till July it was not the case.

A Level approved, a certificate printed, does NOT give you a TM award. To obtain that we have to ask one of the Committee members, that is NOT US, to register the award in Club Central.
Choose Leadership Central, from there Club Central and then your club. Add awards. 
Adding Levels is very easy but has to be done one by one. First name then Path, then Level 1 then later, Level 2 and so on. I had a special post explaining it step by step.

Only after it was declared also in Club Central the award appears between other awards of your Welcome, Julie (or your name of course) Awards. One day, they will link the two perhaps. But then, how to advance and still not declare it?

They come fast in Pathways, and you are the one asking the club to register for you, the one deciding to which club and when to offer it.

20 Jul 2018


Past 84 now, should I say "in my 85th year"? Somehow 85 seems more "sexy" as age. Some days, I feel it is difficult to step down from my bed and go to the kitchen in the morning. My left ankle is shaky. 

Inspiration helps.

Michelle, got her 36th morning walk and video and Facebook direct, well, she is younger then me. And this morning, I got a slideshow with my daughter 67 images taken all in the Washington DC mixed quarter, a place as I remember at the time was to "avoid" even passing with a car. A sudden summer shower arrived, and I believe these were her best pictures, taken a couple and a young man, walking down steps in rain.
and the second one perhaps even better, this time going down
Let me add the last from the 67 even if all are wonderful: not taken by me
Still in rain : as I remember in Washington DC it comes very fast very strong and then as fast it stops. The air becomes as in a washing room or a steam room, very humid but the sun is out again.

Inspired by those videos and these pictures, I went out today, toward the end of my street, where a highway passes, took a parallel commercial street to come back. Walked more then I believed I could. 

You really think Pathways, a Path is difficult? You can do it, once you decide.
The most difficult was to decide, begin going down the stairs. Once out, to tell myself, make steps as in the gym, then your knee and ankle will think "it's only exercise".
I was rewarded by new beautiful flowers at the corner, then yeah, a long road to the street where bus passes. Looking down an interesting pattern, and up houses across. This is how I put them together for my Facebook page.
For very long, I did not go all the way to the highway. Usually I stop at this bench then go shopping through a narrow alley. Another five pictures together, each telling a story. Do they tell also to you? Pictures by pictures, almost like Projects by project. 
Arrived to number 99, I crossed to the parallel street, the shops are there, and small restaurants. I discovered funny courgettes, and this small animal before the butcher. Then entered the Italian cafe and got an expresso. And could not resist a "pain au raisin". After the stop, I took a bus for 1 station, then continued from the Heath back.
Across where I live, apartments without any steps, and something special no usual in London, a terrace with drying things outside. A pretty green WW and home with the fruits I did buy. Just a few, so I can continue to take pictures, but tasty.

I could tell a story about how inspiration works, how persistence pays or how we have to believe in ourselves that we can do more. Today walk, even if I stopped twice on the way, was longer then usual and longer then I believed I can do. 

Today, I was very content with myself. 

19 Jul 2018

My London club and Pathways

Yesterday, club meeting near me. A great pal took me there with his car and back at end.

A new team working and a great new president leading. The new VPE fills in the roles on a paper for a few times ahead during the meeting break and before, after

This time, I was really happy; all the three speeches were from Pathways Projects.

One Icebreaker and a very good story of childhood and horrible professor, I would not forget, from a new member. A Second speech from Level 1 from a relatively new member. And the first speech of Evaluation and Feedback by our new President, that I evaluated. It was not easy to find something to improve, he was so good. "Take out the mask" and dig deep into you, tell your story. And he did tell from when he could not even answer a Table Topic question, he froze. But he kept going, he also realized that with mask down, feelings emerge that connect. 

Phil, in this picture, was the General Evaluator. And his feedback to me, beside telling how good speaker I was and how organized my evaluation, he added "it would have be better not to take time to explain how the speech fit into the Level and our education. At first, I did not agree. Of course, did not tell him. But looking back, indeed, that should have been explained by the Toastmaster of the day. She will begun her Pathways journey at the next meeting. 

Our club members started! Really begun to walk, one after other on their Pathways journey! Without pushing, just nudging slightly, giving example, I am happy it works.

18 Jul 2018

Yet another Icebreaker

Another icebreaker? Why not? We have so much to say about ourselves that does not get into 5 minutes! Beside, we change Let know the club members how, and what we want to achieve now, not some time ago.

Why should I give an Icebreaker at every path beginning? I found that we never give enough. 

Perhaps, this one was not my best Icebreaker, but I delivered it through Remote Access from London all the way to Virginia in USA, to a club that let me be in Pathways, after the first could no more. I remained still they used Zoom or GoToMeeting, when they decided to change that too, I stopped. I put in a post but did not Publish it. Till today.

Now, instead of 7 Toastmaster Clubs, I am only in 4 : still not bad is it?
And, I have to admit, contemplating to taking in at least one more online club soon.

17 Jul 2018

Club Officer Training 1/3 about Pathways and success stories

Yesterday, a wonderful Area Club Officer training! So much to tell and so much learned! How to begin? 

Again, conformed how personal specific stories resonate and convince! 

AD told us how she had to step in last minutes and in very few words told us the importance of COT and introduced us to each other by clubs first and one by one later.  

Then the immediate past AD (area director) told us how two years before, the club he was President of got from 32 to 50 and a waiting list, what were the methods that worked and showed us what are some we could use, then put us to work, club by club. 
Samir Malak Presents Pathways with Stories

The third part of the meeting was a wonderful Pathways Presentation, from my team pal, D91 Guide (we presented together in February and March with me as Ambassador) and we are on the same team also as Undistricted Guides. 

Samir told us about Pathways Projects and how one, then the other, from Level 1 then one from 2 helped that TM (who was present) and him, to Present better in the Company they work and their club is. Those personal examples resonate and remain in mind. 

He also gave example, how he used the Icebreaker to tell about his plans, with his second path, and "today, our boss told me how much XX speech got better" The speech that was the one "Feedback and Evaluation, repeated one". 

Samir Malek also showed us his folder with printed projects and literature about how to choose a path and offered one with information in it to all VPE! 

I will now create my own folder to show with projects from a path!

Should I admit? I was not so happy before the meeting that I was not asked, this time to present but I am now very happy with what I learned of how and what works. Worked!

16 Jul 2018

Explore Basecamp 1 : inside my Motivational Strategy path for 6 minutes

Today, a video from inside my Motivational Strategy path: first one in the series. a pic here first
then the video

first video from the series "explore my base camp"
And yes, still a lot to learn as how to take and speak within a video

14 Jul 2018

Master Q&A log? Table of Contents

I have heard from December, there is such a PDF available, with lots of questions and answers the Pathways guides only alas get, from the world HQ of TMI, respective those who handle the Pathways Launch. One by one, those whose regions was supposed to launch had access to it. Alas, it was not open to Ambassadors, so I got it, officially only from March. 

With time, different versions come. Perhaps, one day it will be made public, but then it will have to be cleaned up, as there are some conflicting information in it, and some who answered alas did not try yet out the actual Base Camp. Mostly, it is a treasure and lots of great info in it. To give you an idea, here are the Table of Contents of almost 400 pages it does contain. In two, as it was too long to capture in one image.
As you see, a lot is covered in it. It does try to answer to all questions a Guide has to answer in the clubs and later, it the virtual (vital) support sessions offered to them.

Today, I did have such a VSS and this time, alas no one come to it. But I do use the information in it, but also a lot from my own experience in order to answer questions arriving one by one to me and also as moderator of the Facebooks Toastmasters Pathways Discussion Forum. 

Once I did read it from beginning to end, well slowly, perhaps in ten days, not in one, but nowadays I go back only when really do not know what to say, which is very rare.

Alas, it is still not "public" but I thought, it could be important for all to know, now that all regions rolled out, to know that it exist. And indeed, as we can not even "refer to it", hope at least, cleaned out, will be put to all members disposition. 

It is searchable, so you do not have to read all, not even have to jump to a title. A word or a few words is enough to find what you are interested in. 

In my humble opinion, allowing all guides and ambassadors to try out and experience Pathways would have been very beneficial. But that is now water under the bridge, and the saying goes, it is not useful to cry after spilled milk. So let us do what we can from now with what we have and help as many to go into their paths as we can.

13 Jul 2018

Mentoring and coaching

Today, start of Mentoring two toastmasters through the Facebook's Pathways Discussion Forum. Many asked and many of us offered, then the Admin of the group had to "match us". And now, we were told with whom and have to contact each other. At the top, I had a name, that was all. I looked it up, they were many on Facebook.
My own experience with mentoring is not the best, perhaps because I never had really a mentor. I can coach for special events or special needs, it seems easier then to encourage long time. Or the expectations did not match, or neither got what wanted. I hope, with this new trial, we will both have better results.

Before you "schedule time and tell each other about yourself, and then your goals, on Facebook, we have to find each other. As I do not know either mentee assigned to me. One from Dubai, the other from Porto Rico. Perhaps, first, I should learn something more about those far away places. Far, does not bother me, but it is best to know some about the place and culture, and also interesting. 

Happy, one of my mentee's contacted me, asking me to become his or her facebook pal. So that is done, will see what follows. I believe, the fix 5 week, makes it seem more doable for both of us. Beyond the first contact, have to understand their needs. Before we continue also that is will be first a limited relationship, and indeed, in confidence. So I will not write names nor follow that through a blog post. 

I found today, is it chance or seredinipity? a Toastmaster magazine from 2016, opened to a page Mentoring through web. In the article, already mentoring from afar was proposed, and explained with different ways and examples. Best go into it with courage! Telling myself, "I can" instead of "I am not good at it", isn't it?

12 Jul 2018

First day President of Online club

Up at 5 doors opened at 5:30 and at six in the morning, the Witty Storytellers meeting opened officially. Icebreaker, in many ways. A wonderful story told and interesting presentation then how to use Social media, ex. A Facebook page for a club. And for me, first day as President.
That was at the beginning, Without vidéo on

We were there from opening of the door, I was in fact the third to arrive.

I could not sleep well, I was really worried, for so many things! Most resolved or proved exagérations of my mind. So, today, I went to swimm after the meeting and then spend more time with my family. 
Today, we proved in the morning, how easy it is with the right questions, to tell 1-2 story from personal life and how effective it is to get to know each other. 

I improvised the Table Topics, inspired by the story heard and the presentation listened to. Even from last table topic answer. No one went away fro our club meeting without having had the occasion to tell, at least a short story.

From tomorrow alone, will begin to concentrate again more on pathways.

11 Jul 2018

Three generations for my birthday outing tell a story

At 84 at British Museum  
The two together tell more of a story.

It also explains why this week I do not publish so regularly. Plus, pictures are one of my aim in the Motivational strategy path. My mother took me to a Rodin conference, when I was 14 years old. So celebrating 84 with my son and daughter (she is not in this one) and grand daughter, at the Rodin and the Greek exhibit at British Museum was a normal wish, accomplished now. Here I am taken by my daughter, in the courtyard, after we come out. 

And yes, I was landed a wheelchair by the Museum. I can walk, but tire fast.

10 Jul 2018

A year ago, discovered two books

A year ago I was deep into these two books.

Leading with style was discovered after my unhappiness with the YOUR Leadership Style Project. I felt, it contained information using a lot of words, too sophisticated for me, buzz words, and not clear enough content. Besides, I did not find out from it which between many was MY style. This book, written by a professor in UK. Explains all with a lawman’s vocabulary and simply. At the end of both Project Level 2 and book, I understood a very simple truth: we have to lead as much as possible DEPENDING on the SITUATION. Using the style needed for that time, that people.

Later, when I repeated the Project, for next Path, I just thought what story could I tell around, about Leader Styles? Mine, others, used or experienced. Thinking about it may of course help us.

The book Managing Transition from author of Transitions, is still useful. Discovered for Level 1 Research, “Transition to Pathways” and how a company should handle, and sometimes does not, and what to learn from it, and so many more. I took some advice, but of course, I am not a company leader now, and even when I tried to influence, I was not a lot listened.

I had to understand, through my Visionary communication path, that I can do a lot, when it depends on me. My vision can not be pushing others. At best, giving an exemple. Some say “a magnet”. In any case, I suggest that book, Managing Transition, read and reread, by all who try a smooth - as smooth as possible - transition in time of big changes.

9 Jul 2018

Rodin and the contextBritish

British Museum and Rodin Paris  presents Rodin and the  Greak statues influence on him
“Mother, take the context too, the people looking, not only the statue. That is what will tell the story. True. Still learning, not only the art of taking a picture, but also giving better context to my stories. Still at Level 3 and improving my skills.

The Kiss by Rodin, half life ago, did teach me, tender love does exist. Sex, can be tender and warm. He showed be by a gigantic statue he made of this couple. I learned it, later in real life. Tender, and very reciprocal. And a lot later, at some event, a lady won a tiny reproduction of it, and found it “indecent”. I want it! She gave it to me. The small statue is since between my books. Not as impressive as the original, but seeing it magnificently illuminated, decided me to call and buy tickets for it. Many other memories around the Rodin museum, the first I visited as I went to live in Paris, and last I went back again before leaving and coming to live in London. 

Each time, I discovered yet another statue that spoke to me, each different from the others.

8 Jul 2018

All seems beautiful, these days: record as you go

Not only the sky is blue, the clouds beautiful, but even my leg, knee, ankle has to behave now for a week when I have my two children in London. Grown, over 50 both, they are still “my children”. And both love their mother.

Even when they will go out together, for outings that are not for me, or my daughter takes a nap while I discover because she send me a link, old goodies on my own Google drive.

I will have to find a way to add in this blog, at least some video story, or tell it again after the feedback from a year ago, also old slide show that I could use, even rearrange now!

Recording, saving, being able to look again to remember and of course, do it even better later, is really worth. Today, I old found pictures,  old podcasts, old videos that make my heart sing. Not “perfect” so what? It does show, how I tried. Two years ago, just after the brexit, two standup comedy shows recorded by a grandson. From a year ago, as I prepared for Level 3 voice variety project, texts from books I read, and recording of an web / on-site meeting as I told my fathers first work adventure story that helped me 30 years later; together with it’s feedback I received.

Keeping old stuf, recording all that is possible is worth!

7 Jul 2018

"I don't like change!" - at least, recognize it

In the Pathways Forum Discussions, some veteran toastmaster got very strongly against me because I told him that is is normal, that all do not like change.

He told we "accuse" them all who do not like Pathways, and want back to old ways, that is is because they "do not like change". 

It was not accusing: it is the truth. Alas, many are very defensive and then suddenly the discussion deteriorates.

Here is an article from June Toastmasters Magazine, that all of us receive, or can read online too. The title is "I Don't Like Change!" and in it the journey to become a Pathways Guide and how during a weekend, he decided to embrace it. 

We like or not like something, is a lot about framing. Nothing is all good or all bad in anything that comes our way. Change is here, change will stay, like it or not like it. But when we decided to embrace it, we can shape it, we can adapt to it, discover all we can have from what will come. 

When we embrace Pathways or any other change, we can find ways to use what is there even when we do not like every aspect of it, and not waste our time fighting, and pointing out only what is less good that was what was before. So many negative emotions that hurt me in some ways. Not the attack against me or my words, but those very strong emotions that come across by words and capital letters, feel like hitting me. I am sorry of course, adjusting is not easy. Arriving to the new educational program with a full cup instead of empty or half full, so it is place to fill it in.

6 Jul 2018

The missed post: a small walk

I begun my journey, looking up in the early morning to the sky: it was beautiful and I was finally, finally ready and able to begin my journey.

This time it was just to the end of my street, not to my first Path, but still I found my journey a bit similar, and not easy as I hoped to be as I begun. 

The joy of beginning was in me, my leg shaky going as I wanted and not hurting in any place!

No need for my cane that I left in the entrance of my part of the building. Sometimes, It is easier to walk when something or someone is near you, ready to help when needed. Each time, needed. 

Here I was, my first path there, I was almost in, at the entrance and I could see the beginning, not well yet were I was heading. 

I knew only that this alley was great and a lot of beautiful flowers along the ways for me to admire or take photos.

Should I go to this path?

From the time I was last there, the ground, has been filled with small stones. Perhaps, indeed best when it rains, but a lot less easy to walk on with my weak knee and ankle.

So I stood a while, hesitating. 

Is it really this path I want to go? 

I could go in and follow it, then I had to come back of course. I am alone. No one to give me a hand if I feel tired or lost.

Once the gate passed, the way to go seemed larger, easier. Suddenly, it seemed a walk not a narrow path with unknown dangers awaiting me.

I decided, not to take after all that path, and go to the end of my street where there was a bench waiting me at the beginning of a smaller but easier to walk path.

This is an image of the end of my actual street. This end leads toward the Heath, a huge platform, where birds sleep at night and some kids come with their class for sport in school time. Fireworks are started. 

But there are also some potholes as you can see. Anyone can park there, the road is not a lot cared for. In the morning, almost no one passes by there. Did I come out too early? Do I need others?

Those where the potholes, I stepped in, as I begun my journey in the Pathways. 

It seems small, and without importance, but at the time, not knowing how to avoid them it was very disturbing. It stopped my way for some time, and I had to learn how to avoid them in order to continue my journey. 

This time, I already knew. Avoiding it was easy. I just had to continue and not step down there. Farther away, I already knew, the bench will await me and the road to that can be also easy when I know how to get there and decide which path to take for a while.

Meanwhile, I could admire, zooming in that I live in London, I live in the city, not far from the point zero in time, the Greenwich Observatory, and still have parts of my last meters on my street looking like I were in the countryside.

Places like this, I had seen rare when I was young. No such diversity! It was either city or country, not the two near each other. New is sometimes disturbing  before we enjoy it.

At this end of my street as you can see different path lead to different roads. The one ahead is only for going foot or bike, and the bench is awaiting me there. If I continue, I arrive to one of the bus stations, near the small pavilion that can take me afar. At left, the road for cars mostly, goes some other way to a roundabout, at right, another foot path to yet another direction, to the entrance of Greenwich park. 

In Pathways, all paths begun the same way. We go along together for a while, and only later the paths diverge, and even then, because the "elective" projects are the same at each, we could choose those we already are familiar with. At any way, not so different directions from each other. And once, we are used to how to navigate one Project, we can navigate the same way all the other projects too. No surprises, no potholes any more! No gravels thrown on the path from last time we passed by.

Almost there, at "my" bench! And someone passes by, I am not alone. I could have help if I needed till I arrive there. The morning is beautiful. I could rest a few minutes. No one is sitting there now, it is all there for me to sit. I can rest, a bit.
Sitting down and looking at the bus that suddenly seems nearer. Looking up the sky that seems now larger, bluer. Looking down at the huge expanse of the grass, that is there but does not disturb me as I know, I have an easy path to go by and I can do it.

It is a bit like this, with Pathways too, even if this time, this post, the post I prepared but missed to publish yesterday, when my daughter arrived from USA to visit, when I was all into the joy of not being alone, having someone hold my hand as soon as my leg got shakier. We went only in the garden yesterday and only afternoon toward seven, when the sun got easier to bear. Next time, I will speak more of my project and less of Pathways. But, wait! This Path I am now, Motivation Strategies, I decided to do it all with some pictures. You have pictures here! I am now at the project Descriptive where we are supposed to describe our surroundings. I just did it. To stop and look around. Mission accomplished. So, I am not so far from my Path, Levels and Projects either.