29 Jul 2018

Level 3 Electives, 4 done so far

Mastering Fundamentals same for all paths.
Learning Your Style? "thinking of styles"
Increasing Knowledge has 1 specific Required Project, depending on the path, and no less then 12 to 13 Electives! It does ask us to complete "at MINIMUM 2" from them.

In the path Motivational Strategies, my 6th path I go through, I decided to study and speak from as many as possible. So far, finished 4 of them.
I also have done already, at least once, but perhaps may repeat it as it is very important the Descriptive Language, beside the Storytelling,  and two others, in total four. Next two I already work on for the Level 3 are Using Presentation Software and Creating Effective Visual Aids. I have in fact already done these projects for another path, but so much to learn and improve!

Building Skills are longer projects, very interesting for me, this blog begun as one of them.
Demonstrating Expertise, interesting Elective Projects, but I will choose with care which to do.

A lot of interesting projects awaiting me!

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