6 Jul 2018

The missed post: a small walk

I begun my journey, looking up in the early morning to the sky: it was beautiful and I was finally, finally ready and able to begin my journey.

This time it was just to the end of my street, not to my first Path, but still I found my journey a bit similar, and not easy as I hoped to be as I begun. 

The joy of beginning was in me, my leg shaky going as I wanted and not hurting in any place!

No need for my cane that I left in the entrance of my part of the building. Sometimes, It is easier to walk when something or someone is near you, ready to help when needed. Each time, needed. 

Here I was, my first path there, I was almost in, at the entrance and I could see the beginning, not well yet were I was heading. 

I knew only that this alley was great and a lot of beautiful flowers along the ways for me to admire or take photos.

Should I go to this path?

From the time I was last there, the ground, has been filled with small stones. Perhaps, indeed best when it rains, but a lot less easy to walk on with my weak knee and ankle.

So I stood a while, hesitating. 

Is it really this path I want to go? 

I could go in and follow it, then I had to come back of course. I am alone. No one to give me a hand if I feel tired or lost.

Once the gate passed, the way to go seemed larger, easier. Suddenly, it seemed a walk not a narrow path with unknown dangers awaiting me.

I decided, not to take after all that path, and go to the end of my street where there was a bench waiting me at the beginning of a smaller but easier to walk path.

This is an image of the end of my actual street. This end leads toward the Heath, a huge platform, where birds sleep at night and some kids come with their class for sport in school time. Fireworks are started. 

But there are also some potholes as you can see. Anyone can park there, the road is not a lot cared for. In the morning, almost no one passes by there. Did I come out too early? Do I need others?

Those where the potholes, I stepped in, as I begun my journey in the Pathways. 

It seems small, and without importance, but at the time, not knowing how to avoid them it was very disturbing. It stopped my way for some time, and I had to learn how to avoid them in order to continue my journey. 

This time, I already knew. Avoiding it was easy. I just had to continue and not step down there. Farther away, I already knew, the bench will await me and the road to that can be also easy when I know how to get there and decide which path to take for a while.

Meanwhile, I could admire, zooming in that I live in London, I live in the city, not far from the point zero in time, the Greenwich Observatory, and still have parts of my last meters on my street looking like I were in the countryside.

Places like this, I had seen rare when I was young. No such diversity! It was either city or country, not the two near each other. New is sometimes disturbing  before we enjoy it.

At this end of my street as you can see different path lead to different roads. The one ahead is only for going foot or bike, and the bench is awaiting me there. If I continue, I arrive to one of the bus stations, near the small pavilion that can take me afar. At left, the road for cars mostly, goes some other way to a roundabout, at right, another foot path to yet another direction, to the entrance of Greenwich park. 

In Pathways, all paths begun the same way. We go along together for a while, and only later the paths diverge, and even then, because the "elective" projects are the same at each, we could choose those we already are familiar with. At any way, not so different directions from each other. And once, we are used to how to navigate one Project, we can navigate the same way all the other projects too. No surprises, no potholes any more! No gravels thrown on the path from last time we passed by.

Almost there, at "my" bench! And someone passes by, I am not alone. I could have help if I needed till I arrive there. The morning is beautiful. I could rest a few minutes. No one is sitting there now, it is all there for me to sit. I can rest, a bit.
Sitting down and looking at the bus that suddenly seems nearer. Looking up the sky that seems now larger, bluer. Looking down at the huge expanse of the grass, that is there but does not disturb me as I know, I have an easy path to go by and I can do it.

It is a bit like this, with Pathways too, even if this time, this post, the post I prepared but missed to publish yesterday, when my daughter arrived from USA to visit, when I was all into the joy of not being alone, having someone hold my hand as soon as my leg got shakier. We went only in the garden yesterday and only afternoon toward seven, when the sun got easier to bear. Next time, I will speak more of my project and less of Pathways. But, wait! This Path I am now, Motivation Strategies, I decided to do it all with some pictures. You have pictures here! I am now at the project Descriptive where we are supposed to describe our surroundings. I just did it. To stop and look around. Mission accomplished. So, I am not so far from my Path, Levels and Projects either.

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