29 Apr 2020

Zoom Free or Zoom Pro

Well, this is not the image I wanted to show. Here, he shows how he setup with Mac portable. 
I also put my Macintosh on books but do not use external video or sound like him.

In Today video, (click to see it on Today) Steve Dotto explains very well the small differences, less then one would think, between a Free version of Zoom and a paid Pro version. Less then one would expect. Most important, the time one can use, if more then 2 till 100! : only 40 minutes at a time with free.

In both cases, one has to setup the different features before using them.

I learned one new feature, it seems one can send now directly to Facebook or to Zoom! We will have to try! Of course being aware: now all will go direct to audience! People we may not even know.

25 Apr 2020

FAQ and New Features about Pathways

One can get the Frequently Asked Questions, the Pathways Updates (even choose a path, etc) also directly from TMI without going through Welcome Julie (the Profile) and before entering Basecamp.

Also, be aware, that the infos we get from inside Tutorials and Resources from inside Basecamp, are not exactly same as these ones. So better look and discover both. And by the way, looking through them I discovered that I was right: the roles CAN be done from inside a project (The Evaluation, the Tabletopic master, etc. do not have to do them again, as some suggested.

Bellow, the Paths I have now, still "Active". The Engaging Humor, the second time, just finished Level 1 and done some level 3 electives. The other three at level 4 or 5, waiting... Visionary Communication also second time, but already at level 5. Motivational Strategy, I have to decide if I finish it now fast as I feel right now, or I do the Level 5 all, as I did with other projects, or finish, and forget or just work on a more detailed conclusion as I feel now.

As to Innovative Planning, Planning is not my forte and in plus, it has a HPL project at the end. I do not remember, why did I choose this path, other then it was one I did not yet done...

12 Apr 2020

Evaluate? Criticise ?

Our founder, Ralph Smedley, believed the word criticism is better then evaluate and for many years, did fight from those, who in the TMI leadership, proposed "evaluate" as milder. As TMI published his fascicule, they did put, in 1940 Evaluate on the front, but you just have to get inside and see Smedley real opinion and stubbornness I loved.

If you get into the Closed Facebook group Witty Storytellers Online, (Just answer some questions), in the File section, all at the bottom, you will find all the pages. It is worth.

It was the work of three toastmasters. I did find it on Amazon, many years ago. One of my guest photographed page by page, a third, assembled in a book.

11 Apr 2020

Stock And Mine... images

Stock photos above, mine bellow.

Was this just a month ago? It seems, centuries has passed.

5 Apr 2020

Levels completed last 90 days

It seems there is a new requirement from TMI, Approve in Basecamp, then declare within 90 days levels. But, of course in Club Central one can declare only one after the other in order. Is that not a contradiction?
But nothing came.

Then I remembered refreshing needed. Long refresh ! Look at bottom that shows when it is done. In plus, one has to go to inside and click at the button that appears only when hovering on it.
One is IS refreshed, again, look at bottom, one can even have details.
Here is what appeared today, Wednesday when I finally waited enough.

Then, asking again, detail, waiting again, I got even that. Could ask to save as image, export in excel, even.

But this time, I was  more interested in how it works, not to get the actual data, as interesting and detailed it was indeed, with lots info.

Play with it, so you get used, even before the info will be really needed. And of course, we have info only on recent members in club.

4 Apr 2020

Finished 2 years ago these 4 paths

The first I finished was Visionary communication, if one can call it "finished". I did the path but not my vision, which still continues to this day and into the feature. Between others, through these posts here, but not only.

The second, also finished with bumps, and speaking all the way to Australia, was Presentation mastery. But it's printed version is still in my Archives and I never intend to finish that one. Preferred to buy it again, web based.

It took more time for the Effective Coaching, even if initially, I did buy all three at same time. I was in three clubs, and at the time, three years ago, I believed each club haas to have its own path. Now, I know better. The paths belong to us, the member. We can, at the end of each 5 Level, decide which club needs it more, to whom ask to declare it in Club central. EC was also long as it has a High Performance Leadership at the end, for me, it was devoted to bring all members of my online club, Witty Storytellers Online into Pathways. A year before officially it arrived to online clubs. Needless to say, most of us become Pathways Ambassadors and Guides.

Leadership Development was the shortest path for me. Summer beginning, with an Icebreaker told in family gathering, winter finishing in a cross continents story telling event. I learned how wonderful a path can become when dedicated to a theme we assign to it. When done in a team, each with its own path but consulting on what we do. Finishing together. Officially, I did not close this path till pathway did not arrive in Region 10 England, offering it to my London club, Lewisham speakers.

I used VC and LD path a year later for my DTM, the two paths I enjoyed most.

3 Apr 2020

Beginning Path and Project with Tony&Michelle 55 min video

Both Tony and Michelle are new to Toastmasters and new members of Lewisham Speakers club. 

Michelle gave her Icebreaker, the last meeting when Tony was Timekeeper.

I regret having closed the recording too fast. They both exclaimed "the club is so welcoming! Toastmasters so useful! The projects in the Basecamp wonderful, we will learn a lot from them.

Look also at coaching Tony, also a beginner.

1 Apr 2020

Do we know what we don't know yet?

Did you know that you can look Side-to-Side to a speaker and also adjust how much Kevin James and how much the slide does occupies?
Of course, you have to allow it in your Zoom Settings (General). It is one of the last options there. Then, again, it has to be chosen in the meeting, which gives many options of how to look to us.

Passing from not knowing at all, to understanding we have to learn more, to begun to learn and finally, using it without even thinking at it, there are four stages as explained so well by Kevin (Kev James) speech in the meeting I participated all the way in Australia.

Long ago, Bernard Shaw, talked using how we learn to ride bicycles.
What is true for using some of zoom features, is true also for Pathways, Basecamp, Projects. With time, as they are same happily in all projects, we do not have problems to use them.

Let us not forget those who begin, and do not "know" yet that instead of click in Burgundy title, have to go under and click on the grey ghost under it, for example. That instead of clicking on a path title to open it, we have to go all the way right and click on Activate curriculum.

With time, let us hope, these and similar strange user interface things will be changed, as so much did improve and arrived already last year. But till then... let us learn the skill of using as is.