5 Apr 2020

Levels completed last 90 days

It seems there is a new requirement from TMI, Approve in Basecamp, then declare within 90 days levels. But, of course in Club Central one can declare only one after the other in order. Is that not a contradiction?
But nothing came.

Then I remembered refreshing needed. Long refresh ! Look at bottom that shows when it is done. In plus, one has to go to inside and click at the button that appears only when hovering on it.
One is IS refreshed, again, look at bottom, one can even have details.
Here is what appeared today, Wednesday when I finally waited enough.

Then, asking again, detail, waiting again, I got even that. Could ask to save as image, export in excel, even.

But this time, I was  more interested in how it works, not to get the actual data, as interesting and detailed it was indeed, with lots info.

Play with it, so you get used, even before the info will be really needed. And of course, we have info only on recent members in club.

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