12 Nov 2020

The next step

A path has about 15 projects, at minimum; a lot more if you add to them more "elective" projects then the minimum required.

That is a lot. Depending our time, availability and interest plus the number of clubs we are member, we can go through them slowly or faster. 

Don't think about it all at once.

Take one Level, one Project and one task at a time.

I love to be able to begin a new path, be again at Level 1, have the same required tasks, do them differently then before. I may begin and try to think again with a beginners mind, but in fact I am no more at the level I was end March 2017 as I first begun, or even last year.

I changed. My knowledge changed, the path opened too, access to path changed.

Each time we got questions in the Pathways Discussion Forum, I measure how much I learned, and as I read answers to them, how well some are able to express themselves to answer.

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