11 Jun 2020

Level 2

What about Level 2 ? I was asked Thursday during my 14th Virtual Support Session. 
--- from 21 July 2018 ---

"Level 2 is almost the same in all path" - because the difference, sometimes, one project changes, should not make anyone to choose that path. As for me, my first three paths, all contained exactly the same projects at Level 2, and it was only the 4th that finally did offer one different. I welcomed the difference!
  • Understanding your Communication Style (depends with whom) 
  • Understanding your Leadership Style (depending on situation is best)
  • Introduction to Mentoring - tell about a time when you were Protégée (mentee)
It was never my favorite level, and it will never be. It took time for me to understand, that it is not to put us in a box, as we are in many boxes at the same time, but to reflect how we (and others) do. Plus, they use trade words instead of usual ones.

The other, very welcome diversions, is when one of the Styles is replaced by:

Motivational strategiesActive Listening 
Persuasive InfluenceActive Listening
Team Collaboration: Active Listening
Presentation Mastery: Effective Body Language
Innovating planning: Connect with your audience
Leadership development: Managing time
Strategic Relationship: Cross cultural understanding

All but the last one is present, when not in Level 2, between the Level 3 Electives.

Active Listening: you take the role of Table Topic Master and listen to the answers, not only the words but the voice, body language, intention. Shortly, after each answer tell what you understood they wanted to say. I loved it, those to whom I reflected back loved it too. 

Effective Body Language. So much to do and tell. I used it to tell about the listeners, audience body language and made them laugh.

Connect with your audience. I did not do Innovative planning, but did this project in Level 3, it is not so easy as one think to find an unusual topic. I learned to connect with different audiences, but had problem when they were very diverse in knowledge. It is a very worthwhile project, if not really as easy as Body Language.

Managing time, is important and can be very useful in personal life, too. It was in mine. Journaling for at least two weeks to see where we spend our time, then reflecting which activities are worth which steal too much of our time. 

The only one I did not try yet is Cross Cultural Understanding which is not between the Electives, but I learned about it a lot in my world wide online club. Very important topic. And important also not to think we are all alike on the surface. Stereotypes and thinking about them is also an interesting topic, but it will not make me take on SR!

In all, it can be three interesting stories we tell, waiting to finally get to level 3 with all it's goodies, electives to choose from. In the meanwhile, I learned to adopt level 2 projects to my taste, personalise them. Tell a story. 

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