3 Mar 2020

New Onboarding for ALL: click on button before continue

We do have to go through every step in order to be able to continue. Yes, the new Onboarding as TMI calls it does not require us to do an Assessment, we can choose any path without it. But each time, we have to confirm our choice if we want to enable the Continue button. Above, for example, the language and a click on the button Select Digital Resources.
Here how it looks (see blue button) once I clicked on Select Digital Resources.
Then opens finally the NEW way to select. Bellow I clicked on View path Option instead of take an online Assessment button, so the Continue button is enabled.
Then only it shows the paths I can choose from, and a click explains the main aim of the path, another click the Main Projects (Required) at each Level.  Another click, opens the Electives list.
Here are three projects proposed to me on top, all others are under it. Those I actually work on, are there too but blurred. If I select the Dynamic Leadership, the Button becomes Blue, or I can click on View all Project in this path, and I see the same as in The online Navigator. Levels, main projects.
Then a click on Electives opens those titles. None of the projects are explained, alas in more detail. Of course, we do find those in the Tutorials and Resources, or, in D57 hypolink document, or in Mark Snows Pathways Companion. It is worth looking well, or speaking with someone who done the path, before deciding on which to embark.A
Again, after selecting the DL path, the Button under it changed. Here, I just show two path to see the difference.

I stopped here and logged out of TMI as I did not really wanted, nor needed a new path, alas I have already enough I am working on in my Educational Transcript folder (Paths and resources folder).

Most important to retain: we have to give clearly our preference each time and click on a "button" that is Select... on white and only when it is transformed on Blue Background, our choice is registered and we can continue.

1 comment:

Ramya Vadivel said...

Useful for first-timers