25 Feb 2018

My speech Evaluated: I was Test Speaker

Agnes evaluated me first today: what a great feedback! Then Krishn come: he got the first place with great specifics in his feedback about what he liked and what can I improve next. 

Then three others gave me their feedback: I learned something useful for all of them

Great feedbacks for my 6th path MS's Level 1 Project 2: Evaluation and Feedback. This was the first speech and next, I will have to add what I learned to my next speechWhat a great way to learn about Evaluation!

Not all knew about Pathways and I am sure Agnes not yet, she tried to guess what kind of speech mine was. Krishn, already in Pathways, understood, knew what I was trying to do and what he has to do. Listening very carefully while I spoke. Agnes also listened with all her being and ever reacted very strongly laughing, enjoying, participating while I spoke.

This project, Evaluation and Feedback, with it's three tasks, remains still one of my favorite Projects from all paths! We learn so much reading it, completing it's tasks. Let me repeat for those who would not know the task given for this project. 

A. Give a speech, any subject any style. Listen to its Evaluations. 
B. Incorporate the evaluation in your next speech. (Possible same)
B. Evaluate someone: now you learned how much a specific suggestion can help.

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