16 Feb 2018

Svetlana comes with me on the glass bridge

Svetlana stands up even when we meet online and speaks with all her body: it works!
She was the first president of Witty Storytellers Online and now formed Witty Birds, online club. We are having fun even before the speech begins!

She uses her iphone to connect online to the zoom platform we use - from Uzbekistan. Noon there, only six and thirteen in the morning in London, where we 

Dragging her by hand through the glass bridge. There is a door with a switch now. From 4,30 minute she tells about her new club, and the HPL project to build it up, rehearsing the story she will tell at Witty Birds. Svetlana is also a great poems lover. 

One of the Toastmasters really not happy when she heard at first about Pathways, she is now convinced and begun convincing others about its importance. We need to create Pathways Champions in each club and also that go out to other clubs to tell about it.

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