23 Jun 2019

Keep your eye on the agenda!

Three useful meetings today, all online.

In the morning, finished the 20 minutes Question and Answer Project, so well that questions remained even for afterpary. But learned a bitter lesson. Verify, the TM of the day (and vpe) who knew long time before, changes your Project and most important tells to your chosen evaluator. 

My project, declared finished: I got a verbal evaluation, alas, as if I did another project.

Will receive a written for the real project, but it is not the same. 

Now, I will have to create, describe, a real or fictional PR complain. 

Asked by a TM this morning: a campaign for you or for the one you want to reach? Of course, for both. As much my blog, as Moderating the Pathways Discussion forum offer me pals, communication as advice about Pathways. World wide audience, from which all profit. 

Now, I can begin to work on the following.

But in plus of Morning meeting I had one at 2 pm and at 11 am zoomed one to one with a brand new Toastmaster preparing her Icebreaker. What a pleasure to help!

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