1 Jun 2019

2 CC but 4 Level 1 for one point DCP

The DCP points are the "pulse of the club" some say. Others do not even know what that is. As members get awards in a club, some of the awards go automatically there. Each member same award only once in a year.

Some awards, have to go together, from different members to make 1 Educational point. This year, and the next year for the last time, the traditional and pathways points can be used. 

Two CC makes a point, four Level 1 makes a point, together. 2 Level 2 and 2 Level 3 also, but one Level 4 and one Level 5 needed only for a point, from Pathways point of view.

Here is an example for my online club. Six points and one point for new members, and one point for declaring the new committee in time, before end June. We would have "enough" as in an "undistricted" no attendance to officer training is needed. 

Alas, we do not have enough members, relative the beginning of last year. So no point will be counted at the end. Unless, suddenly our number increases. Which I will not try this year. I regret some who we lost, but understand others. Some new policies may increase the club numbers next year: I will help the new President, instead of forcing last minute. We have a wonderful core of members, and all "in" pathways and pathways savvy.

How do your DCP points look this year? Do you have some done but not declared yet? 

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