16 Jun 2019

Passing roles: Leading your Voluntary Organization / Area Officer Training

All the morning till later then noon, a very interesting and diverse Area Officer Meeting with many speakers. Mo, from Kent Speakers about Treasury role, took this pictures. 

I did take one by one of the speakers, but this is of all audience left and right. Better.

I had to finish a Project, and in one that is coming - an elective of Level 5 - is 
Leading your Voluntary Organization  I will be speaking about it next week, it is exactly about how to pass responsibilities. It is one I did not take from the Elective Projects, till now, preferring usually the Panel discussion.

Some of speeches, but mostly the last one from the AD Assistant, was wonderful, explaining us to begin early and not only last two month to pass them. After ten years and many responsibilities, I am still learning something, each time.

And also finding ways to use Projects waiting for me to finish, understanding them better.

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