20 Aug 2018

8th Elective Project from Level 3 MS delivered

I decided to study and deliver a speech from all the Level 3 electives of Motivational Strategy. As one is part of Level 2, there are 12 (minimum 2 necessary to get through it). Delivered Make Connections through networking, 5 to 7 minutes. Two stories of my last networking events, one of them online that lead to a great meal, learned from an Italian Toastmaster and adapted. As I adapt also my project speeches. This time, I added sweet potatoes to the mix. It was a great meal learned at a Networking event !
Michelle Alba-Lim about Volunteering
Volunteering was the theme of the meeting, and Michelle, volunteer 13rd time at the Toastmaster Convention offered us a wonderful presentation. Here, shown through Zoom slide sharing. I love to slide the two parts so they become equal. On my full screen I can see then well the presenter but also read the slide's text.

We can make connection and it serves different reasons, not all professional. But of course, then I told also my professional gain from the last Club Officer meeting I assisted and different ways I made connection with different people of varied clubs. Some hoping to invite me to their meeting or ask me to talk about Pathways. Others, to come and assist to my club new online meeting, once a month between brick and mortar meeting. And thirdly, how just listening and not speaking too much to others helped me a week later. Networking can lead to many different connections! And yes, even to a great lunch recipe.

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