13 Aug 2018

Opportunity to Present speeches we want

Regardless of the project, the goal of Toastmasters is to give members the opportunity to compose speeches and present them to their club. The beauty of the Level 1 projects is that the topic and content of each speech is completely at the discretion of the speaker. Once a member has completed a project, they may repeat the project at any time. Repeating projects in a Level 1 will not affect your ability to access projects in Level 2.  

On level 3, one has to complete a minimum of 2 Elective Projects beside the Required one, in any order, but one can complete any number without additional points for it.
Members may repeat projects and levels as many times as they wish. However, members will receive recognition once for each level in their path, regardless of how many times they repeat the level. And speech, Project completed on one Path can not be transferred to another path.

You may access projects and resources in Levels you have already completed at any time. Repeat them if you so desire, no one else can ask you to repeat them. Working in Level 2 of a path will not prevent you from accessing resources in Level 1 of the path. Similarly, returning to a previous level in your path will not impact your progress in the path or any awards earned. To be tried!

A speaker may choose to repeat a project or speech at any time. Because Pathways learning is self-directed, it is at the member’s discretion to decide whether they would like to reattempt a speech 

Once a member has opened Level 3, 4, or 5, they can complete the projects in any order. This would also include opting to complete an elective (or many electives) before completing the required project(s) for that level. 

When a member reaches levels 3, 4, or 5, they can view all electives at that level

While only 2 electives are required at Level 2 and one elective at Levels 4 and 5, members may complete as many electives as they like. Please keep in mind that there is no extra credit or recognition given for completing more than the required number of electives. 

As you remember, I choose to take on all the level 3 electives for the Motivational Strategy Path. Even if, will not receive additional, credit for completing projects and those electives do not carry over from one path to another. I am in no hurry as I have already completed 4 path and soon the 5th also. The Motivational strategy is my 6th path. I also have the Team Collaboration path, my 7th where I am all at the beginning, at Level 1. 

I finished "Using Presentation Software" (again) Saturday and at the same time I listened to a wonderful speech (from Research and Presenting Project) about Networking. So my next project will be about networking, as I got a lot of useful information about it and different ways to view Networking. 

"Creating Effective Visual Aids", is almost but not exactly like the Presentation Software project. Visual aids do not have to be presented on screen or use special software. I remember someone bringing in bear bottles. Other books. Other presenting how to massage the arm when in pain. All those are "visual". But of course, I will have to read those Projects then decide what I will speak about and create a story from them. The same for the Projects I did not yet take on.

Understand vocal variety was one of my preferred Projects that I already completed three times, but each time with a different text and different ways. My vocal variety is not so bad even if my pitch is often to high. 

The problem is when I present a Power Point slide, often it does not go with it. So I am sure, I will have to repeat it at least twice to get it well, and also I would like to read some poems I found.

Focus on positive, will need 2 weeks of journaling, and I did not yet finish journaling for the emotional intelligence project, the required on level 3 here. Last time, it was December I have finished and it helped me to Focus on Positive in my life.

Prepare for an Interview, I never opened yet, but as an exercise I could do it. Probably, it will be the last from my 12 projects of level 3 before I decide to go farther. 
In fact, I could even try to go to level 4 (when the required is done) to see if I can complete and get "marked complete" the Prepare to Interview, going "back" to a completed level. As we are at the beginning of the Toastmaster year, no club of mine is urging me to finish Levels, so I can go slow , at the same time learn and experiment to be able to speak about the different projects when needed.

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