23 Aug 2018

One more Level 3 Elective

There are many reasons to Activate, Launch, Print or Save more then the 2 minimum Projects from the 12 or 13 level 3 at our choice. One is to be able to "know", understand, learn from them Other is to "know" when someone needs help or advice or feedback. All of those in fact!

Beyond the minimum 2 it is not for getting a point or going to next level in the path, but next level of ourselves. In fact, it is the best reason. For Motivational Strategies, I do go one by one, visiting and volunteering to speak in many clubs, "clubbing", as soon as I am ready and prepared with the next project.
This is how it looked yesterday, and I was prepared but had not booked a speech.

Suddenly, someone booked in for a speech wrote "I can not come, sorry" and the space was ready for me.

The club did not suffer, I took no one's place. My Visual Aids were ready and prepared.

I delivered 5-7 with 5 slides around a message, and a book and a certificate. Three different Visual Aids. My evaluator, specialist of Visual Aids, loved it.
As you see, I am now at 9 / 12 completed. The three missing are Social Speeches; Focus on Positive and Interview. I have already done Focus on Positive another path, but of course they do not go from one to other. I will give it the 2 weeks journaling asked as last time, it was in December, it did help a lot. A reminder will be useful, I am sure, to look at the bright side of what happens around me.

I uploaded the evaluation of Creating Effective Visual Aids to my e-portofolio, added it to the MS folder on my computer. And read it twice, very happy with all that was written there! Even my voice variety improved, no more monotone while presenting slides and my message come out clear, not only through the images but the stories too.

Next, I prepare today Deliver Social Speeches. I believed, we have to deliver two, but in the evaluation it is written "one of the four different types".
A Toast? An Acceptance speech? Honor someone, for an award or eulogy? or Honor an Organization. Eliminating eulogy or honoring someone, this time, or accepting something that someone should give me, even a Toast, this time I will try for Honoring Toastmasters International. As it is at convention. It can be a 5-7 but it can be also done in 2-3 minutes! I will choose the shorter one but craft it with care.
Other then gestures, which I did not realize are also important when you show a slide show, images, I got super points and interesting observations.

I told the audience we have more then one story in our life: we have more then one life. More then one chance in life. Here, my evaluator ask me to tell stories from my different lives.  Also, most of the time, I went back to Zoom's Gallery view to see all the audience reactions.

My "unusual images" where not bullet points of course! They also went with my decision of showing at least one picture at every one of my speeches for this path. What will I show as image for Social Speech? A great challenge before me!
Stand up as storyteller of course, when I present in person, but online, is a lot more difficult. But for sure, I have to learn to present farther from my computer, pointing. Ah, learning never ends!

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