28 Nov 2017

Pathways Rollouts decided!

It seems official now, in a few days, Regions 10 and 12 roll out. 

A friend from New Zealand all excited: "Finally, here". Then she added "but perhaps a few days later in our District: the Guides have first to finish their visits, and a few of them did not yet."

It seems, region 3 and 5 jumped up, as all English speaking. Then comes Region 1 and 11.

I am in Region 11, Guides just got appointed, Ambassadors too. Soon the work begins to prepare for a March beginning. So much goes on before the launch! I will now experience the behind the scene, and it seems with a title like "Chief Pathways Guide" to be there whenever needed for information, workshops, and spreading the word in Social Media. London and not far from it is my first aim as Pathways Ambassador. Visiting "my" clubs together with the Guide. 

Second aim will be helping all the Guides, as needed with all concerning the BaseCamp, and also using Social Media to make all members know and love what I do already love with passion, that new educational program of Toastmasters that is coming to our region. I could even make helping the successful launch with a team as my DTM Project. Its scope a bit bigger then just helping a club, and as I re-read it this morning, it is "just what I needed". The different steps will help me becoming also more organised! 

As I read it again, I realised, while there is no Committee to "hold my hand" during a project that in some ways is similar to the HPL project, in fact, there is a 360° evaluation towards the end, a lot more detailed and from three sources. The Team, The Organisation, A peer! 

The last Region to roll out has also all "Undistricted" in which are all the Online Clubs. There are many Guides already in the Online clubs (100% online) because all our members are Dual: also in other districts. My club will have no problem, most of us already on Pathways, so we can help other clubs. 

Exciting times ahead of us! 

1 comment:

Magda said...

Maybe it is my mood …
Maybe it is that I feel the excitement in your first 4 paragraphs!
Maybe it is the following words…”Chief Pathways Guide…”
Or is it these words…”the scope is a bit bigger.”
The end result is that I feel bubbling enthusiasm that is also lighting my fire more.

Julie, we would like to know what is going on in the behind the scenes.

Your blog is a timely reminder that we all need to move on, embrace the change and share in the “exciting times.”