15 Feb 2019

Valentine? Went out with... my iPhone. What I learned

First, I added an old picture, taken when I went back first time after 50 years in my hometown. I was looking from the bridge to my old house and apartment windows a bit sad. Then I suddenly see this two pigeons kissing and kissing. 

The daffodils were taken yesterday afternoon, when I finally went out in the garden between the buildings. When I had seen they are already out and blooming, I could not resist. Dressed, put on my shoes, went down the 3 floor steps and behind my building, on the uneven grass, slowly. Took about 30 photos, at the end, some of myself, very happy to be out. Arrived back, without falling down.

In my different pictures taken, some where to show that we could look at different things. It depends on us! Here is an example of the pictures I have taken after the many flowers taken through different angles.
Instead of the beautiful flowers taken before, I show that I could have concentrated on the trees that are still bare. Also not all are as you see in the second picture. Or the bench I did not sit down, or those daffodils that were not, yet blooming. But I did not! Tried to look at what was enchanting me, and was happy, I succeeded to go out.
First I went from flowers to flowers, some bigger, some tiny blue. Then I sit down in a chair, near the table you can see and tried to take the profile of some flowers. I have to admit, that I had difficulty to get out and up from that armchair. But it was worth.

Do you see any analogy of those complaining about Pathways? They see all bare and bad. I would say, refuse to look to anything else, to enjoy what they could if just looked around. 

Even my not yet opened tiny daffodils, near the back entrance looked different, when taken from another angle. There is so much to enjoy in the pathways projects! Why stop and complain and complain about it as alas some do in the Pathways discussion forum, again and again. 

Something good come about it, this morning. 

I got Toastmaster from Malaysia who invited me to hold a web meeting with those who need encouragement around her. And another, who needed encouragement from Philippines. And a wonderful email from Taipei. Another from the President of a chartering club in a village, in North England. 

We advance all together. 

As for me, so much joy with my new E. Humor path! Got now my first "humorous speech" written down, first version of course so far. Title, "A small hummer". Psst!

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