21 Apr 2019

Even "Recommended" may confuse some

He was finally ready to begin Pathways. Got to the Choose a path, then to the two pictures bellow: He knew how to login, and got even past this one:
So he went to Choose a Path. 

But then he got to read this:
Where is the path they recommend me? The bottom was not easy to read. 

Never got to the Take the Assessment part hélas as bellow.

I had to make the window very small to fit it all. Of course, it can be also scrolled down.

Then only arrives this popup, where we have to choose first the Language
Then the assessment begins, with lots of questions, and finishing with three main choices.
The first three topics chosen lead to other questions and yet others. Till it is "100% completed" the we get three Recommended Paths to Choose from, and in plus, under them all the other paths we can have.
In my case the "Choose this Path" are not relevant. I do have almost all the paths, and in almost all of them, but those they consider "finished" it is written "You cannot purchase this path at this time. This path is currently in progress on your Base Camp transcript." 

I also regret, that Leadership Development I am on still - in French - is recommended again. And of course Innovative Planning, recommended alas biased to too many Toastmasters! That would not be so bad if it did not trap new comers to a path that finishes in HPL, at level 5 that is to be avoided when they begin! And it is the path, the most take, the less (almost) finish!

Anyway, under all this three there is an option to open and Choose any path we researched before and decided. In plus, if not yet chosen yet any, the first path does not cost 20 dollars: it is free!

Did you really not choose yet a path? Do it. NOW. Spring time.

Of course, first, read my posts explaining, why to choose some and not the others! Or select the 11th path the newest, in my opinion the best: Embrace Humor! From then on, once you have a path, you can go to Base Camp or directly to the Transcript page and click on Open Curriculum - strangely that is suddenly they call the Path for the moment. And from there, to your Project that you access with a click in the middle of the button Activate then Launch. 

More I try to explain to beginners, more it seems complicated.

Hopefully, we get used to it then it seems so easy! As it is always the same, even if at the beginning it can be indeed be confusing. As many new to to toastmasters or to pathways suddenly begin in my land club, I realize better, why I was annoyed two years ago, when I begun. At the same time, I loved so much the projects I got, that I got through the roadblocks fast. 

Exactly two years ago I told the story of how I have become woman, on a Eastern Sunday. I made the timekeeper, from a different culture, hide behind his colorful page! Indeed, it will be now exactly 60 years: I was almost 25 at the time. My story did not contain anything chocking, only that I did it without waiting to marry first. 

No one told me to change that part of the tale, but between the first and second, in the Evaluation and Feedback, I read Transitions book and I understood a lot more about all that happened to me and had given a story that was more about Ends, bad bad ends for me at the time and how, after a few month they lead me to something new and having courage to be and think for myself. 

I had a stronger, more important message, around the same event. A really improved speech. 

Happy Eastern to you, whatever religion you are or not religious at all. We all have renewals!

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