14 Jul 2018

Master Q&A log? Table of Contents

I have heard from December, there is such a PDF available, with lots of questions and answers the Pathways guides only alas get, from the world HQ of TMI, respective those who handle the Pathways Launch. One by one, those whose regions was supposed to launch had access to it. Alas, it was not open to Ambassadors, so I got it, officially only from March. 

With time, different versions come. Perhaps, one day it will be made public, but then it will have to be cleaned up, as there are some conflicting information in it, and some who answered alas did not try yet out the actual Base Camp. Mostly, it is a treasure and lots of great info in it. To give you an idea, here are the Table of Contents of almost 400 pages it does contain. In two, as it was too long to capture in one image.
As you see, a lot is covered in it. It does try to answer to all questions a Guide has to answer in the clubs and later, it the virtual (vital) support sessions offered to them.

Today, I did have such a VSS and this time, alas no one come to it. But I do use the information in it, but also a lot from my own experience in order to answer questions arriving one by one to me and also as moderator of the Facebooks Toastmasters Pathways Discussion Forum. 

Once I did read it from beginning to end, well slowly, perhaps in ten days, not in one, but nowadays I go back only when really do not know what to say, which is very rare.

Alas, it is still not "public" but I thought, it could be important for all to know, now that all regions rolled out, to know that it exist. And indeed, as we can not even "refer to it", hope at least, cleaned out, will be put to all members disposition. 

It is searchable, so you do not have to read all, not even have to jump to a title. A word or a few words is enough to find what you are interested in. 

In my humble opinion, allowing all guides and ambassadors to try out and experience Pathways would have been very beneficial. But that is now water under the bridge, and the saying goes, it is not useful to cry after spilled milk. So let us do what we can from now with what we have and help as many to go into their paths as we can.

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