25 Jan 2019

Busy days, feeling better

Wednesday at Lewisham Speakers, at the end of the meeting, the president presented me festively my Distinguished Toastmasters plaque.

Then asked me to give a speech.

I should have been prepared, I was not. Told something, but was not as good as could have been. In my opinion, even if true, it sounded more like boasting. In plus, I was searching for one or two of the words. Next time, better.

Instead of taking home, I have given the plaque to our Area Director, who was visiting to offer it to me during the upcoming officer meeting. “Really, I can take it with me now?” She asked me. I did not atell, indeed, then I will not have to carry it.

It is not best picture, but the only one I have of that day and event.

Wednesday was Lewisham Speakers meeting. Thursday, we had a super Witty Storytellers Online Meeting, early morning, and at 2 pm meeting also online with a prospective protégée asking for help with her already advaned path.  Friday noon, I have a programmed speech, second after my evaluation. Till some time to write it down and polish, even if in my head it is already almost done.

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