13 Jan 2019

Interview about my journey, a storytelling toastmaster

Answering to an interview to my District PR, I realized that all my journey lead to what I did for the Pathways DTM Project, the Pathways Story Swap.

When I have told a very personal story for Icebreaker, as Mystery Speaker in Croydon, and fall in love with the audience. Audience, who throughout the years did reciprocate. Not longtime after, I read an article in the Toastmasters Magazine "you can tell personal stories all through the Competent Communicator manual projects". So I did.

From Photography to Screen-dump also normal step
The only time I did not, Project 4, because I was intimidated, "how to speak with short sentences? short words?" I was asked after "what this was about?" Photography and meeting people, but I did not succeed, because I worried too much instead of going into a moment and telling a story.

As I got to Inspiration, nr 10, I opened a blog called CompetentCommunicator, stunned, that this name was not yet taken. That was my Nth blog, dedicated to Toastmasters, Comedy and Storytelling, with lots of examples. Mine's and others.
Nik found a way to connect with his son

At the same time, in 2010, I begun to tell stories with Spark London, first at Canal Café Theatre, then wherever they went, even in Edinburg a year, Manchester Town-hall another. From there, it was normal to create Storytelling workshop, first in my club, then my Area, later an Online club specialized in Storytelling. 

More and more, all my Pathways Projects also resulted in a story, a personal story. And normally, my Pathways DTM Project also was Pathways STORY Swap. 

Here are two pictures from the video I did not get yet, the wonderful story speech from Level 2, "your communication style" that again showed me how many different ways we can use, not only a path, but each Project. 

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