28 Nov 2018

Daniel Rex about Pathways, streamed from Sri Lanka

As a moderator, now admin, I follow all that appears in our Pathways Discussion Forum

I found a live stream, direct from Sri Lanka, d82 captured by a participant, then shared by another to the Forum. I was not able to capture it yet, so here are some important parts I put in my notebook.

What Daniel Rex, Executive Officer of Toastmasters International said, is urgent, important, interesting right now, will write about pathways stories another time.

I stopped a few times the flow of the video, to write down what I heard. The sound was not the best, so sometimes, listened twice. 

This picture is not from the stream, but it he still looks like this. Daniel Rex has a great conversational style "inherited from my grand-father" he said in another interview.

He begun to speak at 12 minutes, alas I did not understand the TM who introduced him, his accent was too difficult for me to grasp. But will try again later. Rex does speak very clear and not to fast so it is very easy to understand. 

At 16' he begun to tell about some very important improvements that will arrive 

  • 100% effort now to make Pathways user experience easier to use (did I hear well?)
  • new things are coming (I think it was new paths) soon
  • a new Navigator, very improved - or was it Navigation experience?
  • all will be able to see all content not just one level at a time ('as I like it' he said)
  • even will be able to look at them before the assessment (min 25)
  • Navigator been able to see on all devices (smart phones included)
Some experienced toastmasters, are "a little bit reluctant to dive in": "remember, the only constant is change" ! Spend time to experience it. Going back is not an option. Adapt. Move forward. "

Tell us about your Pathways Experiences" He did even ask three of Sri Lanka toastmasters to come up and do it.

At 50 minute, almost the end, Rex spoke about Smedley's Focus, Vision, Altruism and how Stubborn he was. About how much roar the Basic Training (1941) manual brought about, and before it the Chairman booklet (1930). 

Towards the end, Rex showed telephones from old days, first mobile phones, first iPhone, the newest one. I do hope, this was really a hint that we will be able to use Pathways Educational materials also from all mobile phones, we can not yet.

Daniel Rex, suggested to spend 15 to 30 minutes at the end of every club meeting using each our laptops, showing how to login and use Pathways! "Who between you commit to show it in your club?" 


Top Gun said...

Thanks Julie for posting this, appreciate your efforts and consistency. you are an inspiration for many :)

Best Moments Collection said...

Yes, I watched that presentation too! Great insights.

Canadian Dodd Family said...

As I said to you on Zoom, I will post my suggestions to the Improvements needed Pathways with my own positive suggestion on your Blog. I really your Blog has been of more help to members than any other source.

I have been honoured working with you since March 2017, when we both join our first Pathways Club in Alexandria, VA.

I started my Pathways journey when the still called REP. I never had any insider information, only what was said in emails to use by WHQ and the speech that Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP at the Kaula Lumper in 2014 and Articles she wrote for the Toastmasters Magazine.

I encourage everyone who has suggested improvements to post here or you can send your idea to Pathways Education Program

Julie Kertesz - me - moi - jk said...

We will have to make list again of course of all improvements needed.
But no one can publish to my blog direct: Brian, you will have to send me by an email.
And then, as with all who did publish, we will discuss, so it remains in the spirit of my blog, and your intent too

Marguerite said...

You heard correctly- there is a team of 6 to 8 people working 100% of their time on the digital interface problems in Base Camp.
I think what he meant by showing the phones was to demonstrate the evolution of that tool and compare it to the evolution of the Toastmasters educational program. But maybe we can also hope that, if they are getting the Navigator onto the website so it can be accessed on phones, someday it might be possible to have the Paths accessible on phones, too.
Great blog. Thanks for sharing what you heard him say. Yes, this is important material. I'm always curious what is in these updates like the one this Friday night!