10 Sept 2018

Next Projects

Focus on the Positive, is one of my next Projects from Level 3 electives. Lately, I begun to think if it is good.

Dr Joan Rosemberg, in her TedxTalk, says that we have those unpleasant feelings that arrive to us like an arrow in our heart and body come, be in the moment, they will go away like a wave. If we burry them, try to ignore they hit, they did hurt, they will linger a lot longer.
Frustration, Disappointment, Embarrassment, Anger and Helplessness, Shame and Sadness.

I left out Vulnerability, which in itself is a major ingredient we can use to tell good stories. Boosting does not work. We have to bare ourself in some way, even if of course, we do not "tell all".

In a dialog with a great storyteller and storytelling teacher, she also added that we can use and should use Vulnerability and old Memories, indeed so important in a storytelling event, but...

But we should never to them as Victim! We have before telling our personal stories, the one we just decided we have to tell, "resolve it". Understand it, make peace with it, come out as a winner.

Do not dump it on the audience as a victim, complaining. Our audience needs those stories, but they also need to feel fulfilled at the end. Satisfied, that at the end we found a way to embrace, to overcome, to go out "living" : changed.

Those go also for my Project, Managing Emotions. OK, looking of what we feel and how it affects us but also embracing it, working through it and then using it.

In another Path, Dynamic Leadership, I am at the Level 5 Required Project: Lead in any Situation.
I was for now, 18 month, but also the six month till July, VPE of Witty Storytellers Online. I asked and got 360° evaluations from the three levels it is proposed. I decided to give a Humorous speech, reflecting on my experience. Soon! Then, I will be more able to concentrate to be a President. The humour of it comes from my observation, that it was a lot easier to give an advice, as VPE!

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