5 May 2019

Serendipity : make the first steps, help will arrive

When I begun to work on Moderating a Panel, first, I choose the general theme, then all my wonderful Panelists.

After that, we discussed the format and more or less what will be asked of them. Each had different problems and solutions. Great!

Now, I had to decide on a time, all or most may come. The day but most important the hour.

It is like this, then all seemed to me. Most live in different time zones and have different commitments.
Then help and help and help begin to come. So, now on it looks most like this! Old Toastmaster pal, corrected a paragraph from yesterday.

Panelists jumped in proposing great titles, I did not find. I think FIRST STEPS is excellent and a lot better then Level 1 or...

Other Toastmaster who can not come as it is too late for her, come to my help, after I designed from three different images the flyer, reminding me, to add a time converter, now also included on yesterday post. So on: Serendipity!

Time Zone Conversion:

Yet another, begun to publish it, with the zoom link together, in different pages she is administrator. And yes, also new toastmaster club president, wrote me now "I will share it with all my club".

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