24 Mar 2019

All projects of Level 3

Level 1 has the basics. It can be used and repeated many times.

I love speaking about my life and passions and done it already 9 times. As I go, I am told, it goes better, more interesting. It was the same story told differently three time, then I spoke of my passions.

My research also changed with time, as older ones I discovered better, new things to discover.

As to the feedback and evaluation project, what can beat a « any subject any style » how can anyone complain they cannot speak about anything they want in Pathways ?

Level 2 was never my choice. I do not like jargon nor be put in a box, but I understand now, it’s three Projects are there to show the importance of self reflections. In the last Path, E. Humor, no more jargon ! Both Leadership style and communication style disappeared! Instead we got reflection about our Humor, and an eye opener about differences in audiences.

Then comes the Level 3.

The first time I arrived to Level 3 I felt like a kid in bonbon store. So many to choose from! So many I could taste! Indeed. I activated almost all. Launched and read many. Saved and printed for sure more then two. Spoke using three, even if two was enough. Repeated Voice variety three times with different text, each time the feedback was great. Yet, now after many Level 3 behind me, yesterday I received a feedback about my contest speech “voice Variety could have been better”. Alas, it takes time and many many repeats and attention also to it, to learn a skill.

It was in my 5th path, Motivation Strategy, main theme for me, pictures and also putting pictures in the audience head, that I took a decision: try to do as many electives as I can.

It meant to slow the pace or going through paths, a lot. Going deeper instead, discovering what did not yet. Becoming able to speak about all Projects, at least all electives.

Level 3 Electives? All done now. Finally, I discovered all well worth. Learned something from all of them. Even one or two I did not think at the beginning, was for me. I will no more interview for a new job, but discovering more about what I do well and where I may still progress is for any ages.

Now, at level 4 with its longer projects, some more difficult for me, I am slowed down more. So what? When I want to say something and have a slot to say it, I use another path.

1 comment:

Gail Chen said...

Great Job! Each lever is very challenging! I will try to speak same story differently, try to tell my life and passion. Love speaking story. Gail