1 Mar 2019

The Navigator, redesigned, a totally new experience!

I have already wrote about The Navigator, we got the 4th January 2019: a wonderful experience for me. It is like a tree with many branches, that lead to branches. Lots of information. And, what is best, it can be reached through any device, once logged in TMI.

This is how I could see it through my iPhone. But I used it also with my laptop and tried it out with other smart phones, my iPad too.

I wrote about it the end of January. Why do I feel the need to write again? 

There was a discussion in the Pathways Discussion Forum on Facebook, asking how to get to the Navigator and if it was true that a ne one was or would be available. 

It is here.
It is interesting.
It has lots to go for it.

It is not a "pdf" and no, the old pdf is still there, but does not have all that this new one has. And most important, it is not so "elegant".

It does indeed answer lot of different questions, but we have to work to arrive to them. 

Again, the question may arise "It is worth the time spend with it?"

My answer is yes, but do not take my word for it, try it out. And yes, try out on ANY DEVICE!

Any device.

That is one of the most important news for me.

As my blog is read from so many devices, I realized how important it for many toastmasters, as all do not have computers or easy access to them, but fewer and fewer are now without a smart phone. So for me, it is a very good direction we started from beginning of this year. And continued with the release, a month after of the Humor path.
 Then comes a larger broader Table of Matter, here just part of it. Each then goes deeper. How deep? I succeeded to go to the Choose a path in one side through my iPhone. And then also suddenly discovered and could access to the Tutorials! 

While waiting somewhere, nothing else to do, why not look at some of them, short videos, or a few page descriptions. While inside the Base Camp you have to go Under the Title, Tutorials, to the grey "button" to access them, in The Navigator, it is just a normal click!
Going farther, as you see, under each rectangle more is revealed. That is the Navigator. Each time, one click reveals me MORE. When I want it, if I want it.
All 11 path are described also in details, and separate, I loved this, the Special Projects and under them, the Path details, if we want to know more. The elective Projects, if and when we want them.
Here for example the list of Level 3 and Level 4 Electives list. That signals me that one time, the Electives, same for every path, may be separated from the specific required projects. 
Time will only tell if I guessed right. 

Interested about the 11th path? It is already there too.  
Yes, and towards the end, in the Content, did I find Choose your Path! I continued to look: even that worked. I also discovered some pretty new videos. For sure, the NEW Navigator, is worth testing out. 

And, as it is all branched out, opening other and other options at need or curiosity, I do not see at all how it could be put in a PDF or a printed version. It is a prove of what "online" can offer: more. It is also prove, in my opinion, of the good work of the new Pathways User Interface team, that do more then just a few additions or changes to the interface! As for me, I am not patiently waiting, what each new month will bring us.

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