6 Mar 2019

Answers to Questions, TM Magazine

Wonderful! Let us hope that from now on, it will be in every month. Each time something new added, yet an another question answered.

Of course, I would like a more precise answer. For example, Selecting the number that coincides with your personal experience, THEN with NEXT going to the following question till arriving to the final question which is always "do you recognize that this project is useful for outside Toastmasters?" then click on Submit button appearing when you  (or if you) answered ALL questions.

It would be also useful, to tell, for the second question answer, that after Icebreaker, till the last Reflect on your Path, INSIDE a Level, the projects may be done in any order. And at the third answer, that the Evaluations uploaded will be visible ONLY to the member. Not the VPE or TMI.

That said, it is wonderful that column to get written, month after month!

I also read again, the very interesting, wonderful article written by Jennifer Blanck, who did interview Robert Fung, Liza, Kaestner, Zain, and each added very useful parts what they learned from the Presentation Mastery path.

Tomorrow, more about that all the things they experienced and the different way each approached PM.

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