27 Mar 2019

Different perspectives

You can look at Pathways Education systems gloomy,from afar,  all seems then black.  Nothing usual. Nothing friendly. Wishing nothing changed.

Forgetting, that over the years, a lot changed, many times. Even if the change did not seem so radical. 

For me, personally the biggest change was not when the Competent Communicator Manual went from 15 projects to 10, but when someone added to it an awfully written and badly conceived Leadership Manual. As VPE and as Mentor, I had to spend hours figuring out how to report from it and what. 

We can also look at it after we have already begun in Basecamp as difficult steps to go up to, as I looked yesterday, coming back from the garden between our buildings, the one behind where I live. 

The steps seemed so high, so difficult to climb! 

But as I begun thinking about how I will use the photos I take and decide what angle to use to express what I think, the difficulty thrinked, and I found myself suddenly at the first level, then second and third.

I was before my door, one last big breathe and inside.

Of course, then I have to sit down and send my almost sixty pictures from iPhone to Macintosh laptop, from download to a special Tuesday folder, give all pictures a title, and send them to my Flickr album specially created for them. Spring outings. Then tryhow to send a link to my Facebook page and wether or not show some in my blog. 

Hour passed, without me noticing it. Happy times, no more full of worries. Happy times, as the difficulty was behind me. Here just one of sixty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo. Great approach to life. Personally, I resisted Pathways at first, then something happened and I caught the Pathways bug. District 84’s Pathways Ambassador Maria Martinez is so excited about Pathways, so knowledgeable, so helpful. Then I saw future projects such as Blogging, I can hardly wait until I get to those. There are so many naysayers, bad attitudes, resistance. We don’t have a choice if we want to continue in Toastmasters. Let’s embrace it.